5 Top Tips To Cope With Dental Anxiety

Anyone considering dental implants in Richmond will know that they’ll have to undergo a slightly invasive but pain-free surgical procedure. However for those with severe dental anxiety this may just be a step too far. With this in mind, just how do you overcome your fears enabling you to have the treatment you want and deserve? Here are 5 top tips or coping strategies you might want to take on board.


dental implants in RichmondWhen we’re unfamiliar with something, we’re usually more anxious about it. Therefore anyone that familiarises themselves with as many aspects of the dental implant procedure as they can prior to treatment is going to feel less anxious. One way to do this is by visiting the clinic during a consultation. Most clinics offer consultations that are both no-obligation and free of charge. This means that you have the perfect opportunity to get any questions or concerns answered, meet the tea and find out a whole lot more about the procedure itself.


For many people their dental phobia started in childhood. It could be that a previous dentist has talked down to or scolded the child in order to carry out the necessary treatment. As adults they may have experienced similar feelings where the dentist has ridiculed them for being scared or anxious. To get around this try opening up lines of communication and getting back control of your dental treatment. The good news is that nowadays dentists want to listen to patients. They want to know what the patient thinks with regard to their treatment; they want to know when the patient feels uncomfortable; and above all, they want to know if a patient is feeling anxious – so it’s up to you to tell them. Any dentist worth their salt should be able to adapt their treatment to suit the needs of the patient so it pays to let them know.


Distracting techniques are a great way of taking your mind of a dental treatment such as a dental implant in Richmond. This could be through meditation, listening to calming music, or even the sound of as soothing voice. Or alternatively a visual distraction eg, staring at a tranquil or relaxing picture during treatment. Find a technique that works for you and if necessary adapt it to suit. Most dental clinics can help you with distraction techniques too so don’t forget to ask.

Controlled breathing

Anxiety makes you breathe quicker and the quicker you breathe the more anxious you become. It really is a vicious circle. Instead when you feel yourself getting anxious try taking measured controlled deep breaths. The flow of oxygen has a calming effect one body which really does work.

Taking frequent breaks

Those who suffer with dental anxiety often find it easier to cope with if they take frequent breaks during dental treatment. If the anxiety builds or you start to feel claustrophobic then tell your dentist and they should gladly stop what they’re doing and give you the time and space you need. They may even make the suggestion themselves to carry out the treatment in bite sized chunks, making it easier for the patient in question.

So there you have it, 5 top coping mechanisms to help deal with dental anxiety!

If you’re an anxious patient but are still considering dental implants in Richmond then don’t let your anxieties stop you from having the treatment you deserve. Instead visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk for further information, or talk to us directly on 020 8876 5277 today. We guarantee that you’ll be in safe and caring hands.