Dry Mouth And Dental Implants

When it comes to tooth decay there are many things which can put the teeth at risk. Fortunately the saliva that our mouths produce is the body’s way of keeping the mouth moist and rinsing away food particles and harmful bacteria. However, in those patients who suffer from dry mouth there’s a distinct lack of saliva and as a result they’re more at risk of developing dental problems. In some cases patients can lose their teeth because of dry mouth and oral problems. Dental implants in Richmond are a great method of tooth replacement for teeth that are badly decayed or have been lost but are they are a suitable treatment for patients with dry mouth? In a word yes! One of the benefits of dental implants is that they don’t decay like natural teeth which makes them an ideal restoration method for those patients who lack saliva, which is the body’s natural defence against decay.

Problems of dry mouth

dental implants in RichmondFor anyone who has dry mouth one of the major issues is likely to be tooth decay. Bacteria thrive in a patient’s mouth since they feed off particles, sugar, and starch which is left behind on a patient’s teeth and gums after eating and drinking. Although brushing and flossing helps to keep the mouth clean it’s also very important that the mouth is kept moist with saliva which keeps the mouth clean in between brushing by rinsing away harmful particles. Those people with insufficient saliva are more likely to suffer decay which will need restorative treatment.

Advantages of dental implants

In most cases of decay a dentist will do all they can to preserve as much of the tooth’s natural structure as possible. However, if a patient is suffering with dry mouth then often it’s a better option to extract badly damaged teeth and replace them with dental implants in Richmond. The reasoning behind this is that dry mouth means that decay is always an issue. If a decayed or damaged tooth is treated with a dental filling or crown, for example, the underlying tooth structure is still vulnerable to decay. It’s not unheard of for a person with dry mouth to have a tooth treated with a crown only for the part of the natural tooth below the crown to become decayed.

Dental implants are of particular benefit to patients with dry mouth because they can’t fall prey to decay. They consist of a titanium rod which is placed into jawbone to act as an artificial tooth root and to this is attached an artificial tooth in the form of a dental crown, bridge or denture. Although implants look, feel, and even act like natural teeth there is no natural tooth structure remaining which can become decayed. This means that patients with dry mouth can restore their smile without the fear that future episodes of decay or infection will damage their restorations and lead to further restorative dental treatment.

A dental implant in Richmond is a comfortable, effective, and natural looking restorative solution for missing or damaged teeth. If you’re interested in finding out more about how they could help you, then why not come and talk with Dr. Kalsi and the team at Sheen Dental. Book a free consultation today by calling 020 8876 5277 or contact us online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk.