4 Tips To Avoid Infection Following Dental Implant Surgery

Since dental implants in Richmond replace the entire tooth structure they’re strong and stable and make an excellent restorative treatment for missing teeth. However, much of the success of the dental implant relies on proper after care as well as the actual implant surgery itself. Here at Sheen Dental we do all we can to provide patients with the knowledge and tools to prevent infections and to ensure longevity of their implants.

How to avoid infection after dental implant surgery

dental implants in RichmondAs with any type of surgery one of the greatest risks is infection during the healing process. However there are 4 precautions patients can take to avoid infection and to promote optimum healing.

  1. Watch what you eat – Starting back on normal foods following implant surgery is a recipe for disaster since it can open up the wounds and make them vulnerable to infection. Instead we recommend that you stick to a diet of soft food and liquids for 3 or 4 days after surgery. Avoid hard food like nuts which could damage the implant site even more.
  1. Take your medicine as directed – Often an oral surgeon will prescribe a course of antibiotics to help prevent infection following surgery. It’s important to finish the whole course in accordance with the instructions. Failing to complete the course can increase the risk of infection and possibly make the whole treatment ineffective.
  1. Good oral hygiene – Cleanliness is paramount when it comes to keeping infection away. If the site isn’t kept as sterile as possible then bacteria could flourish. Your dentist may recommend a mouthwash which won’t over-dry your mouth (which can trigger infection) or he may suggest that you rinse with salt water.
  1. No smoking – All dentists will urge you to give up smoking before surgery and during the whole of the healing process. Smoke and chemicals is known to irritate the gums which in turn can lead to infection. In addition smoking can prevent oxygen from entering the blood stream and the implant site, thereby slowing the healing process and allowing for more time in which infections could arise. If you smoke on a regular basis a nicotine patch could help you quit or at least lower the amount of cigarettes that you smoke on a daily basis.

If you’ve got a missing tooth or teeth then getting a dental implant in Richmond is one of the best decisions you can make with regards to your dental health and if cared for properly implants have the potential to last you a lifetime. To learn more about dental implants and to find out if they’re suitable for you, then why not take advantage of our free consultation where you can meet Dr. Harmit Kalsi and the team and get all your questions answered. You can book online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or phone us direct on 020 8876 5277.