There Are Many Health Benefits To Enjoy With Dental Implants

Teeth are a leading contributor to your health from the role they play in letting you eat a wide variety of foods to giving you an attractive smile which helps you connect with other people. Consequently the loss of teeth can be detrimental to your health and well being. Choosing the right form of tooth replacement can give you considerable health benefits.

dental implants in RichmondDental implants in Richmond and elsewhere in the country, are the only form of tooth replacement which replaces the entire natural tooth structure. An implant is a titanium screw which is surgically placed into the jaw and takes on the role of an artificial tooth root, once it has fused with the surrounding bone. The implant is then secure and strong enough to support a false tooth, bridge, or denture.

There are many advantages to be gained from having a dental implant placed, so let’s take a look:

Eat what you want

Dental implants are able to withstand almost the same biting force as biological teeth because of the fact that they are embedded into the jaw. This means that a patient can often enjoy a more varied and interesting diet than say those who wear dentures and find themselves limited to soft, bland food. Because the chewing functionality is greatly improved, a patient’s body is receiving all the necessary nutrients which can lead to improved health.

Prevents bone atrophy

When teeth are lost the body begins to resorb the bone because it feels that there is no further use for it and furthermore there is no tooth root to anchor the jaw. Conventional tooth replacement methods such as dentures and bridges fail to address this problem since they only sit on the gum line and as a result dentures have to be constantly adjusted as the jaw starts to change shape. Since dental implants act as a false tooth root stimulating the gum and regenerating growth, bone loss is halted and the face retains its structure.

Minimal maintenance

Dental implants feel, look, and function like biological teeth and they’re also cared for in the same way with daily brushing and flossing. They do require that the wearer maintains a high standard of oral hygiene, but that’s about as complicated as it gets. Compare this to dentures which require adhesive to hold them in place and special cleaning tables to soak them in, and you can see for yourself the advantages of implants. They also stay where they’re supposed to – in your mouth, and not in a glass on your bedside table.

If you’d like to find out more about getting a dental implant in Richmond then why not take advantage of our free no-obligation consultation. You can meet the team, get your questions answered, and take a tour of our facilities. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 or make an appointment online at We look forward to welcoming you to our clinic.