Does It Matter If I Don’t Replace A Lost Tooth Right Away?

Often patients are tempted to delay replacing a missing tooth, particularly if it’s in a place near the back of the mouth and isn’t noticeable when they smile. However, although one missing tooth doesn’t sound like a big deal, it can lead to a number of consequences and further dental problems.

dental implants in RichmondJust one missing tooth can compromise the appearance of your smile since neighbouring teeth will start to shift out of position in an attempt to fill the gap left by the missing tooth, and you may find that this affects your chewing ability and speech.

Although filling in the empty space with any type of replacement tooth treatment is beneficial to the patient, the type of treatment chosen can have long term implications for the patient’s oral health. Dental implants in Richmond and elsewhere in the UK, are the only type of tooth replacement treatment which replace the entire structure of the tooth, and that includes the parts above and below the gum line

Dental implants consist of a small titanium screw-like device which is surgically placed into the area where the missing tooth was. Once it has fully healed and fused with the surrounding bone, it becomes a permanent fixture in the mouth and mimics the tooth root. It is then strong enough to anchor a prosthetic tooth into the gum, so that not only does it look like a real tooth, but it also feels and functions in the same way. Other tooth replacement systems such as conventional bridges and dentures sit on the gum line and fail to address the issue of bone loss which occurs when a tooth is lost.

Why does bone loss occur?

Bone loss is a natural occurrence which happens when a tooth is lost because, like a muscle that isn’t being used, it starts to waste away due to under-use. This results in the bone and gums in that area becoming thinner, which is often a reason that patient’s are turned down for dental implant treatment in the first place. Implants need a healthy supply of bone if they are to be successful and this is why it’s so important to replace teeth as quickly as possible before the jawbone is compromised. Should a person decide to get an implant at a future date, then they may need a bone graft before the treatment can go ahead, leading to more expense and a lengthier treatment time.

Other dental problems

Failing to replace a missing tooth or teeth can also affect a patient’s oral health. Pockets of space in the jaw where missing teeth once were can trap particles of food and bacteria, which can be difficult for a patient to remove, and this can result in a build up of plaque which in turn leads to tooth decay and possible tooth loss. Decay and infection also means that a dental implant can’t be placed until the patient has undergone treatment, so as you can see a missing tooth triggers off a spiral of events.

If you’ve experienced tooth loss then why not come and speak to Dr. Harmit Kalsi at Sheen Dental about your dental options including a dental implant in Richmond. Delaying treatment only makes matters worse. We offer a free consultation so you’ve nothing to lose. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 or book online at We look forward to welcoming you to our clinic.