Exploring The Pros And Cons Of A Dental Implant Versus A Dental Bridge

The good news is that if you’re missing one of more teeth you have several replacement options available to you including a dental bridge or dental implants in Richmond. Both offer a sound cosmetic solution and also address the functionality issues that gaps in the mouth can cause. However the two treatments are considerably different so we’ll discuss this in more details as well as looking at the pros and cons of each procedure.

About dental implants

dental implants in RichmondA dental implant requires a short surgery to place a small titanium post (implant) into the cavity of the missing tooth. After it has bonded with the surrounding bone and soft tissue, it is then sufficiently strong to anchor a false tooth to the jaw, using an abutment. The result is a natural looking tooth which replaces all of the structure of a biological tooth including the root.

About dental bridges

A dental bridge is an appliance which is typically made up of two crowns with false teeth positioned between them to replace the missing teeth. The crowns are attached to natural teeth at either end of the gap. The end result is a fixed dental restoration (that is supported by the patient’s natural teeth) which fills the gap to improve the aesthetics of the smile and restore the functionality of the bite.

Pros and Cons – Dental Implants Vs Dental Bridge

Dental implants

One of the most important features of dental implants is that they put a halt to the bone loss which occurs after tooth loss. Since they act as artificial tooth roots they preserve the health and shape of the jaw which often causes premature ageing as cheeks become sunken and given a hollow look to the face. Additional benefits include superior aesthetics and functionality when compared to other types of tooth replacement treatments as well as longevity, with an average lifespan of at least 25 years provided a dental implant is properly cared for.

On the downside, dental implants in Richmond do require surgery, and treatment time for the procedure from start to finish can take up to 12 months since the treatment is carried out in several stages. Typically costs are higher than for a dental bridge.

Dental Bridges

One of the main pros for a dental bridge is that the restoration treatment is quick and typically involves no more than 2 dental visits – one for preparation and one for placement.

The downside of a dental bridge is that it only replaces the part of the tooth which is visible above the gum, so bone loss continues to progress. This in turn can lead to instability of the bridge and means that it is likely to need replacement within 7 to 10 years. In addition, in order to support a dental bridge, the healthy teeth adjacent to the gap have to be shaped and filed down in order to place a dental crown. This can weaken their structure and make them vulnerable to decay, or at risk from damage by supporting the weight of the bridge.

On the whole most dentists will tell you that dental implants are by far the best choice for replacing missing teeth. However, they’re not suited to everyone in which case a dental bridge is an adequate alternative for tooth replacement.

If you’d like to find out more about receiving a dental implant in Richmond, or whether or not you’re a suitable candidate, then why not come and speak with the team at Sheen Dental. We offer a free no-obligation consultation which you can book online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or you can call us direct on 020 8876 5277.