The Advantages Of Image Guided Dental Implant Surgery

Dental implants in Richmond are carried out at Sheen Dental using image guided dental technology. For those of you that aren’t too sure what this means, then we’ll explain. It’s a state-of-the art technology which uses detailed and highly accurate information gathered from 3D medical images. This information is then combined with advanced computer software which allows the surgeon to build up a virtual 3D image of his patient’s face, teeth, gums. This lets him plan every last detail of the surgery which he can then implement in real time, taking advantage of precision computer guidance to achieve optimum implant placement. This technique has 3 important benefits for surgeons and patients.

More accurate and safe

dental implants in RichmondImage guided surgery means that the surgeon can place dental implants with far greater precision and accuracy than could ever be achieved using traditional implant surgery. This makes it a safer procedure for patients since the surgeon can accurately pinpoint the position of critical structures such as blood vessels, sinus cavities, nerves, and adjacent tooth roots, which reduces the risks of any complications. Other advantages of increased precision includes more predictable results with better aesthetics and a higher implant success rate. These advantages apply to all such implant surgeries but are even more advantageous in complex surgeries where bone quantity and quality is an issue, and the surgeon is having to work in a very tight space.

Faster and more comfortable

Thanks to image guided surgical techniques it’s possible for Richmond surgeons to use less invasive procedures than with traditional implant surgeries, with smaller incisions, and sometime no incisions at all. This means that surgery is far quicker and more comfortable for patients.

Easier recoveries

Due to the more precise nature of image guided implant surgery, patients experience less pain, bruising, swelling, and discomfort after surgery and smaller incisions means patients heal faster. All of these factors means that dental implant patients are assured of a quicker and more comfortable recovery time after surgery has taken place.

While these are the top three benefits for patients of image guided dental implant surgery, other benefits mean that the patient may not need to attend as many planning visits before surgery. In some cases they can even choose to have their prosthetic appliances placed at the same time as their implants, thereby eliminating the waiting time between their implants being placed and their new teeth attached to give them that beautiful smile.

If you’d like to know more about getting a dental implant in Richmond then why not take advantage of the free no-obligation consultation that Sheen Dental offers. Here you can meet Dr. Harmit Kalsi and his team and get your questions answered, to help you make that all important dental decision. Book online at or phone us direct on 020 8876 5277. Trust us to put the smile back on your face.