Just How Many Dental Implants Do I Actually Need?

It’s relatively obvious that a single dental implant in Richmond will replace one missing tooth. Although implants vary in shape, width, and height, it’s safe to assume that a one-for-one replacement is always going to be the case. However, what about if you have two, three, four, or indeed whole rows of missing teeth? What happens then? Let’s take a closer look.

First of all replacing two teeth

dental implants in RichmondIn essence there are two options when you opt for dental implants. Firstly if you have two adjacent missing teeth it’s possible to place one implant into a tooth gap and from this tooth we can suspend an additional structure plugging the second gap. This is known as a cantilever bridge, or an implant retained bridge. The second option is to fit two separate individual implants. This works either for adjacent or non-adjacent missing teeth. There are several advantages to opting for individual implants. Firstly it appears more natural and secondly, it’s easier to clean for hygiene purposes as you can floss and brush round them.

What about three teeth?

Again if the teeth are adjacent to each other we can either replace them with implants at each end, accompanied by a middle structure to plug the central gap. This is known as a 3-unit bridge. Alternatively if the missing spaces are non-adjacent then individual implants are usually best. In this case a dental bridge is usually more cost effective than 3 separate implants but each case needs to be addressed separately.

Okay so four teeth…..

Again it depends on whether the missing teeth are adjacent. If so then 2 cantilever bridges might be an option or conversely a 3 unit bridge and a single implant might be best. If none of the missing teeth are together and are in fact in different areas of the mouth then again, single dental implants in Richmond might well be the best option.

Finally multiples of missing teeth

If you’re unfortunate enough to experience multiple missing teeth, then you might rather opt for full or partial implant retained dentures. This is where an arch of prosthetic teeth is supported by a framework of just a few implants which are strategically fastened into the jawbone. In many cases just 4-6 implants can support a whole arch (that’s 16 teeth). This process is more convenient and cost effective for the patient and in some cases can be carried out in a day.

So there you have it! Hopefully this gives you a greater insight into what to expect when you opt for dental implants in Richmond. If you’d like to find out more then why not speak to Sheen Dental and book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation. Here you can discuss your dental options with Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team. To make an appointment you can consult our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk, or alternatively you can phone directly on 020 8876 5277 today. We look forward to hearing from you.