Fill Those Unsightly Gaps with Dental Implants

Is your smile marred by unsightly gaps where teeth are missing? If you’re missing teeth then you may be experiencing a few problems. For example, if you’re missing front teeth you may be finding it difficult to speak clearly, which could be having an impact on your work and social life. If the teeth that are used for biting and chewing are missing, then you’re probably having a problem with eating a varied diet and are having to opt for soft, sloppy food. You may even be finding it embarrassing to smile for fear that others will notice the gaps in your mouth where teeth are missing.

dental implants in RichmondIt doesn’t have to be this way. You could put an end to all your discomfort and embarrassment with dental implants in Richmond. These are the most effective method of tooth loss currently available in the dental industry today and serve as a permanent replacement for missing teeth.

What is a dental implant?

A dental implant looks very similar to a small metal screw, and is made from titanium. This is embedded into your jaw bone at the site of the missing tooth, during a short bout of oral surgery. It’s then left to heal and fuse with the surrounding bone and soft tissues. This can take several months but is necessary for the success of the implant. Once the implant has fully stabilised then it will be strong enough to support the implant, which acts like an artificial tooth root. This can then be topped with a dental crown in the case of a single missing tooth, or a dental bridge in the case of several consecutive missing teeth. In the event that a person is missing all of their teeth in either or both jaws, then dental implants can be used to secure a denture and anchor it firmly to the jaw to prevent it from moving.

Benefits of dental implants

  • Restores the appearance of the smile and functionality of the bite
  • Puts a halt to the bone loss which occurs once teeth are missing
  • Supports the facial structures giving a more rounded and youthful appearance
  • Are a permanent solution to missing teeth
  • Restores confidence
  • Does not involve neighbouring teeth from being modified (as in the case of a traditional bridge)
  • Implants are cared for in the same way as natural teeth with twice daily brushing and flossing plus six monthly dental check-ups.
  • Look completely natural

It’s true to say that a dental implant in Richmond doesn’t come cheap but because we want everyone to be able to benefit from the best in dental care, we offer a variety of payment options to help you spread the cost, if necessary.

If you want to fill your missing gaps and restore your smile, then dental implants could be just what you’re looking for. To find out more, why not book a free consultation with Sheen Dental by calling 020 8876 5277 or book online at We’d love to welcome you to our clinic.