Did You Know That Dental Implants Can Make You Look Younger?

If you’re missing several teeth then not only are you having to cope with the problems associated with the loss, such as difficulty speaking and eating, but you may have noticed a dramatic change in your appearance which is making you look a lot older than you actually are. Not only does your smile look unattractive and unhealthy with gaps from missing teeth, but the area around your mouth will also have taken on a shrunken appearance because it has lost the teeth that once supported it.

dental implants in RichmondThe good news is that you can make your smile look younger with dental implants in Richmond. The treatment involves placing a number of dental implants into the jawbone in the areas where the teeth are missing. These will act as missing tooth roots and will stimulate the bone, and even regenerate growth, putting a loss to further bone loss, which naturally occurs when teeth are lost. The implants are then attached to dental crowns (in the case of several missing teeth in different parts of your mouth) or to a dental bridge in the case of consecutive missing teeth. The spaces caused by multiple tooth loss will be filled and as a result your smile will look young once more.

Dental implants and the corresponding prosthetics, are designed to work by giving you a smile that looks and feels totally natural and healthy. The result is far more attractive than when you opt for conventional dentures which sit on the gum line and after a while have a tendency to move around, making the mouth sore, and making it difficult to speak clearly and eat a varied nutritional diet. Because implants are secured into your jawbone and replace the entire structure of a natural tooth, it’s almost like being given a third set of new teeth. Your confidence will soar, you’ll be able to eat what you want when you want, and best of all you can smile again with confidence. In fact, you can go about your life without having to worry about what your teeth are doing.

If you’d like to find out whether you’re a suitable candidate for a dental implant in Richmond, then come and speak with Sheen Dental. We offer a free consultation where you can meet Dr. Harmit Kalsi and the team, get your questions answered, and take a tour of our facilities. Don’t delay any longer. Pick up the phone and call us direct on 020 8876 5277 and take the first steps to a younger looking you. Alternatively, you can book online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk.