Well, Swelling Is Not Swell: The Pain After Implant Surgery

The recovery experience from dental implant surgery is not complete without doses of gum swelling.

dental implant surgeryRight after the procedure, you can expect a stinging sensation developing on your gums. The surgery involves cutting your gums open to expose bone matter, as well as drilling into the bone to place your implants. In some cases, you might need more surgery due to the different stages of dental implant installation.

Given the nature of the operation, it is only natural to experience some swelling afterwards.

Pain and Discomfort: Typical Results

The detailed work and various stages of dental implant surgery lead to the typical discomfort that comes with any surgery. Aftereffects include swelling of your gums or of the face and some bruising. These symptoms often last for two days or more.

Some cases result in serious complications, which is uncommon. Indications include dental pain, sore throat, swollen glands and tonsils.

Cold Compress for the Swelling

To soothe the swelling, all you need is a handy cold compress. Dentists often advise patients to put a cold compress over the swollen area once they reach home. A compress pack can decrease the painful sensation, as well as the swelling.

After the procedure, apply the compress for 15 to 20 minutes and wait for 45 minutes before doing it again. Repeat this process for several hours to comfort yourself.

Precautions for Recovery

Apart from the swelling, total recovery from the implant surgery depends on your case and the treatment. Complete healing following the installation might take at least six weeks or a maximum of several months.

To completely recover, precaution is necessary. For example, following each stage of the procedure, you might need to eat only soft foods for a week or two. If the swelling or pain worsens as the days progress, consult your dentist immediately. You might need some antibiotics or other medication to prevent further infection.

Here at Sheen Dental, we oversee your treatment from beginning until your recovery. We offer remedies to help you with the swelling, as well as improve your smile. Experience successful implant dentistry by booking an appointment now.