Looking After Your Dental Implant Investment

It’s fair to say that dental implants in Richmond don’t come cheap and it makes sense therefore to do all you can to look after your investment. After all you wouldn’t buy a new car and then not take care of it, would you. Dental implants replace both the tooth functionality and the appearance of the smile and once they’re in place, it’s easy to overlook their proper care. Because they act as artificial tooth roots and are topped with artificial teeth, some people may think that they don’t need to do anything to look after them. Big mistake!

dental implants in RichmondBecause dental implants are the only form of tooth replacement that replaces the entire structure of a tooth and are permanently fixed into the jaw, they need to be cared for in the exact same way as your real teeth or they can become exposed to all manner of dental problems. Once you’ve received a dental implant in Richmond then it’s important to attend regular check-ups with your dentist to make sure that everything is fine and there are no problems. You will also have to commit to taking care of your implants for yourself at home, too.

Your implants should be treated in the same way as your natural teeth and it’s important to maintain a high level of oral hygiene. If you neglect your implants then they become susceptible to dental problems such as gum disease and infection. Peri-implantitis is one of the biggest threats to dental implants. This is a disease that affects the gum area around the implant and causes infection. If not treated at a very early stage it can cause the gums to shrink, undermine the bone, and cause the implant to loosen. Most times this will result in the need for the implant to be removed and the site area to be cleaned and treated. Often a bone graft will be necessary to make the area strong enough to support a new implant.

It’s critical therefore that you brush your teeth twice daily to prevent a build up of plaque on the gum line which can damage the implants and the jawbone beneath them. It’s also important to use dental floss to remove any food particles which are lodged between the teeth and gums, and which your toothbrush can’t remove.

If you’re interested in finding out more about dental implants in Richmond and whether or not they’re a suitable option for you, then why not take advantage of the free implant consultation that Sheen dental offers. You can book online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or phone us direct and make an appointment with Dr. Harmit Kalsi on 020 8876 5277. We look forward to welcoming you to our dental clinic.