How to Overcome Dental Implant Anxiety

If you’re missing a tooth or teeth then you’re probably considering your options for tooth replacement. Your dentist will tell you that dental implants are the best method of tooth replacement since they are anchored into the jaw, and act as a permanent feature which restores the appearance of your smile, as well as tooth functionality. Not only can implants be used to replace a single missing tooth, but they can also be used to secure dentures, offering patients more stability and peace of mind. However, dental implants do require a small surgical procedure to place the implants into the jaw, and for those who are scared or worried about going under the knife, then this can cause them to choose an alternative form of tooth replacement. Here at Sheen Dental we’re committed to helping patients overcome their fears so that they can benefit from what is potentially a life changing treatment.

dental implants in RichmondOne of the most common reasons for a patient’s fear of getting dental implants in Richmond is the thought of pain. Because dental implants require surgery then it’s only natural for them to assume that the dental implant treatment will be painful. However, the procedure can be totally painless and free from anxiety with the help of conscious sedation, which we’re happy to offer all nervous patients so that they can benefit from a more comfortable experience.

Conscious sedation is usually administered intravenously through a small needle attached to a vein in the hand. The patient will feel drowsy and relaxed and completely free from anxiety or worry. They’ll remain conscious throughout the procedure and able to comply with any instructions from the surgeon. A local anaesthetic will also ensure that they feel no pain as the implants are placed.

After surgery, the patient will feel drowsy for a couple of hours which is why we ask that they are accompanied to the clinic by a friend or family member who can drive them home afterwards. Often a patient has little or no recollection of having had surgery although they may feel a little discomfort once the effects of the anaesthetic have worn off.

If you’re an anxious patient then don’t let it deter you from receiving the dental treatment that you deserve. Just mention to us when you book an appointment that you are a nervous patient and we’ll do all we can to help you. Often it’s the sense of the unknown that makes a person more anxious and once you know more about the procedure and have met the team, you may well find that you’re nowhere near as scared or anxious as you were initially. If you’re considering a dental implant in Glasgow then why not attend a free consultation with Sheen Dental where you can meet the team, get your questions answered, and take a tour of our premises. You can call us direct on 020 8876 5277 to make an appointment with Dr. Harmit Kalsi or book online at We look forward to meeting you.