How To Know If You’re Getting Top Quality Dental Implant Treatment

If you’re considering dental implants in Richmond then finding the right implant dentist with the right amount of expertise to deliver the outcome you’re seeking, can be difficult. If becomes even harder if your dental work includes replacing teeth that are badly damaged, cracked or missing. Once you’ve made up your mind to go ahead with dental implant treatment to restore your smile, then the process of selecting an implant dentist begins. It’s critical to make the right choice as it determines how well the surgical and restorative phases of your treatment progress.

dental implants in RichmondFinding an experience implant dentist will also help to lower the risk of any complications arising during the surgical process and/or restorative part of the treatment. For example, if it’s found that you need bone grafting, ridge augmentation, or a sinus lift to improve your bone structure so that it can support a dental implant, then it’s vital that your dentist is knowledgeable in this area, to avoid complications. Failure to carry out the graft or sinus lift properly could result in infection and possible implant failure, and you might also be unhappy with the cosmetic appearance.

No two patients are alike, and every situation can be different, so a skilled implant dentist needs to be familiar with all the possible scenarios that could occur so that he can deliver an outcome that both he and the patient are extremely pleased with. Implant placement is a complex surgery which needs to be meticulously planned before surgery goes ahead. This is done by using X-rays and 3D computer generated imagery which allows the implant dentist to accurately measure the depth, height and width of the patient’s jawbone and identify the location of vital structures such as nerves and sinus chambers, in order to get the implants placed in just the right position. He’ll also need to liaise with other dental professionals who all have a part to play in the implant procedure.

Most patients can expect a pleasing and predictable result if they choose the right implant dentist for their treatment. Often general dentists that are offering implants to their patients will only have completed a weekend implant course, or perhaps a 4-6 week implant training course. Without adequate training and experience, serious complications can arise and this is why you often read horror stories when things have gone badly wrong. The best implant dentists are those who having completed their general dentistry training have spent a further 3 years training in implant dentistry.

Here at Sheen Dental Dr. Harmit Kalsi is highly qualified and experienced in everything to do with dental implants and cosmetic treatments. In fact he’s one of only a handful of dentists who has been awarded the diploma in implantology from the Royal College of Surgeons of England. If you’re seeking a dental implant in Richmond then with Sheen Dental you know you’re in safe hands. Why not book a free implant consultation where you can meet Dr. Kalsi and the team, get your questions answered and take a tour of our facilities. You can book online at or book direct by calling 020 8876 5277.