Should I Have All My Teeth Extracted And Get Dental Implants?

This is a question that we sometimes get asked, especially if a patient is unhappy with the appearance of their teeth for whatever reason. Most of the time the answer to this question is “No” since as dentists we do all we can to preserve natural teeth wherever possible, and often dental issues that a patient is unhappy with can be rectified with orthodontic and/or cosmetic treatments. However there are a few cases where it can be beneficial for a patient to have all of their teeth extracted and replaced with dental implants in Richmond to give them the beautiful smile that they’ve been longing for.

dental implants in RichmondYou could discuss the possibility of full arch replacement with your dentist if most or all of your teeth are suffering from

  • Gum disease
  • Decay
  • Damage or excess wear

You may also be a suitable candidate for full arch replacement if most of your teeth are missing and you want to have a smile that is bright and sparkling.

What about dentures instead?

If you do decide to get all of your teeth removed then we would probably advise against dentures. These are now considered outdated and uncomfortable in most cases. Dental implants, on the other hand are proven to be a durable, natural looking, and comfortable form of arch replacement.

Bridges and crowns

In some cases it isn’t always necessary to get dental implants. Instead a patient can have one or more damaged or missing teeth replaced with crowns or a porcelain bridge. If we’re talking about multiple teeth, however, then often dental implants can work out cheaper.

Even if you find that it is cheaper for you to get crowns then it’s worth knowing that the tooth beneath the crown can still be susceptible to decay whereas a dental implant will not decay. In addition crowns and bridges have a shelf life of around 10 years but dental implants, if cared for properly, can last for the remainder of a person’s life.

By attending regular dental six monthly appointments with your dentist, he or she can keep a careful eye on how your teeth are progressing. If some of your other teeth are starting to decay or are likely to in the near future, then the best decision may be to have your entire arch replaced with dental implants, as this is likely to be cheaper in the long run.

If you’d like to find out more about getting a dental implant in Richmond or discussing full arch replacements, then why not come and speak with Sheen Dental You can book a free implant consultation online at or book direct by phoning 020 8876 5277. Together we can help you make an informed decision about getting the smile of your dreams.