Dental Implants and Aesthetics

Dental implants in Richmond come under the category of ‘cosmetic dentistry’ which is why they’re not available on the NHS. Really this is a little bit ‘nit picky’ since dental implants offer a great solution for problematic teeth as well as missing teeth, and help to preserve dental health as well as restoring the smile.

dental implants in RichmondDental aesthetics has a strong connection with dental implants as often there are patients whose front teeth have been periodontally affected with movement, gaps in between them, and bone loss. Alternative there are people missing teeth who are wearing removable partial dentures with fake teeth attached to them.

All of these people have one thing in common and that’s a lack of self esteem. They’re suffering discomfort when trying to eat their food and they lack confidence in social situations. They’re worried that if they go out for a meal that food will get caught between the gaps in their teeth or worse still that their dentures may fall out. They refrain from smiling because they’re embarrassed at the way their teeth look.

It needn’t be this way

The good news is that for this group of people there is a way to end all of these problems and get their lives back on track again. The answer lies in dental implants. Bad teeth can be extracted and missing teeth replaced with dental implants and beautifully crafted natural looking porcelain crowns, which will give them back their smile and change their lives for the better.

Dental implants are surgically embedded into the jawbone where they eventually fuse with the surrounding bone and soft tissues to become a permanent fixture in the mouth. Once they have stabilised then the implant dentist can attach a prosthetic crown, or in the case of a few missing teeth in a row, attach a fixed bridge. Since implants replace tooth roots, the bone loss which naturally occurs when teeth are missing is halted, so that the jawbone retains its structure. Teeth remain firmly and securely where they should be – in the mouth.

If you’re tired of your problematic or missing teeth then dental implants could be a solution for you. If cost is a concern then don’t worry. We offer a variety of payment options to help spread the cost of payments so that all of our patients can get the dental treatment they deserve. Why not come and have a chat with us to see how we can help you. We offer a free implant consultation which you can book online at or you can phone us direct on 020 8876 5277.