How Similar Are Dental Implants To Natural Teeth?

If you’re considering undergoing treatment for dental implants in Richmond you might be surprised to learn just how similar they are to natural teeth. Despite the fact that implants are a form of missing tooth replacement, similarly to conventional dentures and bridges, they’re actually closer to our teeth in structure, likeness, and durability than any of their predecessors. Let’s take a closer look.


dental implants in RichmondWith conventional teeth replacement the teeth/tooth either sits on the gum line supported by a plate, or alternatively, (in the form of a bridge) is suspended into a tooth gap by means of a supporting framework. Unlike a natural tooth both of these need support by other means. A dental implant on the other hand is a compete stand alone structure, just like a natural tooth. A titanium post (the implant itself) is fastened into the jaw bone and over time the surrounding natural bone tissue grows and fuses around it. This titanium post is the foundation upon which a crown can be placed and in this way is similar in structure to a tooth root.


Because dental implants are integrated directly into the jaw bone they are extremely stable and durable. Provided that they’re inserted at the perfect angle and are in the right position an implant is not only able to support a single tooth, but just a few strategically placed implants have the ability to support an entire dental framework. What’s more, unlike denture wearers, patients can pretty much eat whatever they like without any issues. Therefore similarly to a person with healthy natural teeth, an implant wearer isn’t forced to make poor food choices unless they want to.


There’s no getting away from the fact that when a patient undergoes fitting for a dental implant in Richmond they’ll be opting for the most lifelike form of natural tooth replacement that modern dentistry allows. Even though conventional dentures are lighter, more comfortable and lifelike than ever before, it’s often possible to tell that a person is wearing dentures. Conversely implants can be shaped, fitted, and coloured to match the rest of your natural teeth so it really is hard to tell the difference. Nowadays advancements in technology means that natural blemishes can also be added to create a truly natural look.

As you can see, dental implants in Richmond are more similar to natural teeth than you might at first imagine and for this reason, plus the fact that they’re incredibly long-lasting, have become a popular choice amongst those searching for the best form of missing teeth replacement. To find out more, why not book a free, no-obligation consultation with Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team at Sheen Dental. To make an appointment either visit our website at or contact us directly on 020 8876 5277 today.