Dental Implants – How Long Do They Last?

You may have heard stories that if you opt for a dental Implant in Richmond you’ll be buying into a form of tooth replacement that will ‘last you a lifetime‘. The problem is that there are many factors that can affect implant longevity so this mightn’t always be the case. As such this can be a misleading statement; so just how long do dental implants last?

Here’s what we do know?

dental implants in RichmondIn 1965 the very first dental implants were fitted to a Swedish patient who had severe jaw deformities and they lasted intact until his death in 2006 some 41 years later. However this doesn’t mean that every dental implant will last this long. Continued poor dental hygiene after fitting for example (eg, a lack of proper brushing and flossing) may cause problems such as a build up of bacteria in and around the implant. If this isn’t dealt with, the implant will become loose and may eventually fail.

Other issues that can affect dental implant longevity are medial conditions. For example, those with conditions such as uncontrollable diabetes or osteoporosis might find that bone tissue doesn’t grow back at all. The problem is that bone growth is vital for implant success. In a process known as osseointegration, the surrounding bone tissue merges and fuses with the titanium implant over time. It’s this which gives the implant its characteristic strength.

Lifestyle choices such as smoking can also dramatically slow down the osseointegration process but in addition can also spread harmful bacteria to the implant causing possible peri-implantitis. For this reason any smoker considering undergoing a dental implant in Richmond here at Sheen Dental is asked to quit for the duration of the treatment (this could be up to 9 months).

Another problem that might affect implant longevity is incorrect placement. If for example an implant is placed at the wrong angle, the impact it will absorb when chewing or biting is only going to weaken it, possibly causing the implant to fracture or splinter. Therefore it pays to seek a highly experienced implant dentist with a proven track record.

So knowing what we now know – How long do implants last?

There are more and more cases of dental implants lasting 30 years or more with the majority of them lasting 20 years plus. However dental implants aren’t simply a ‘fit and forget’ process. Instead implants need commitment from the patient to continually maintain them to ensure the best chance of longevity possible.

To find out more about how dental implants in Richmond can help you, then contact Sheen Dental. Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team have been successfully placing implants for over 20 years and have both the experience and the track record to make sure that your dental implants get the very best start in life. To book a free, no-obligation consultation either visit our website at or contact us directly on 020 8876 5277 today.