Exploring The Emotional Side Of Tooth Loss

Many people tell us that undergoing treatment for dental implants in Richmond has restored much more than their smile. In addition implants have helped to bring back their self confidence too. Let’s face it, when you lose a tooth, particularly one that’s visible it can be a seriously emotional experience.

Firstly there’s the trauma

dental implants in richmondWhen a tooth is lost it can take a lot of getting used to. It can cause discomfort when you eat and may even cause you embarrassing annunciation problems when speaking. It’s understandable then that for some people, tooth loss can feel as emotionally traumatic as losing a limb.

Change in appearance

Perhaps the biggest change is one of appearance. Your once great looking smile which might have been an attractive feature is now both unattractive and unhealthy. It’s no wonder then that some people feel a real loss of self-confidence and in many cases a loss of self-worth. Also as a result tooth loss sufferers often shy away from social situations with friends and family, becoming withdrawn and introverted.

Long term changes

Finally there’s the realisation that if you don’t do something about your tooth loss, you’ll have to endure long term physical changes such as a diminishing jaw bone causing sagging skin, wrinkles, and the ongoing threat to other teeth.

As you can see there’s a whole gamut of emotions and feelings that surround tooth loss. The good news however is that you don’t have to endure feelings of self worthlessness, a lack of self confidence, or worry about the future when you opt for a dental implant. In Richmond, here at Sheen Dental Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team have been fitting implants for many years and as such know first hand how it can emotionally change a person for the better. Just imagine a fully restored beautiful smile, no more eating and speaking problems, and no more diminishing jaw bone! The truth is that dental implants provide a permanent, lifelike, and hassle free solution to missing teeth which allows you to regain your confidence and above all, restore the real you.

To find out more book a free, no-obligation consultation today. Here you can get all your questions and concerns answered, allowing you to make a fully informed dental decision. To make an appointment either visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or contact us directly on 020 8876 5277 today.