8 Ways Dental Implants Can Improve A Patient’s Life

People tend to seek dental implants in Richmond because they’re well aware of the benefits that they can bring. Even though they’re considerably more expensive than other forms of missing teeth replacements and they aren’t a quick fix solution, they can dramatically improve a patients life. Here’s how…

Better chewing and eating

dental implants in richmondHaving missing teeth will make it more difficult to eat the foods you really enjoy. Likewise, conventional dentures do replace those missing teeth but they can and do move which makes chewing less efficient. With dental implants the teeth are permanently fixed into position meaning that you can eat whatever you like without any concerns.

Younger looking

Believe it or not dental implants can help with the ageing process. When teeth are missing a process known as bone absorption takes place. This is where bone tissue that once supported the tooth root is no longer stimulated. When this happens the bone tissue starts to waste away, eventually causing shrinkage to the jaw. As your jaw shrinks the skin around the face becomes saggy and sunken in making you appear older than your years. Dental implants not only give you back your natural looking teeth, but they can also halt the bone loss process, making you appear younger.

Improved speech

When you have missing teeth, or wear dentures, it can sometimes be difficult to annunciate certain words. Dental implants allow you to speak once again with complete confidence.

More comfort

When you opt for other forms of missing teeth replacement such as dentures they can move around in the mouth particularly as the shape of your jaw changes. Ultimately a loose denture can rub against the gums causing soreness and discomfort. Alternatively as a dental implant in Richmond is fixed into position, it isn’t going to become loose so the discomfort is eliminated.

Greater self confidence

Having missing teeth can really zap your self confidence. Many people with missing teeth tend to withdraw from social situations where possible, and even those who wear conventional dentures always have the fear of embarrassing denture slippage hanging over them when socialising with friends and family or speaking in public. Conversely dental implants look and feel just like natural teeth and as a result confidence levels are often restored.

Better overall health

Because having dental implants allows you to eat just what you like, it means that you can make healthy choices when it comes to food. In addition full chewing capacity is also restored meaning that you can extract the maximum amount of nutrients from the food every time you eat. Ultimately this leads to all round better health.

More durability

With proper care dental implants will easily outlast any other form of tooth replacement. In fact, dental implants have been proven to last over 40 years in some patients, so if you’re after a near permanent form of teeth replacement, then you really should consider opting for dental implants.

Greater convenience

Finally dental implants provide a hassle-free solution to missing teeth. Unlike dentures for example they don’t require special fixatives or cements to hold them into position, or indeed special cleaning agents to keep them free from bacteria. Instead normal, and regular brushing and flossing is sufficient to keep your implants in great condition. Additionally as they’re permanently secured into the mouth dental implants don’t have to be taken out when sleeping. In fact once they’re placed, you hardly notice that they’re there.

If you’d like to find out more about how dental implants in Richmond can help you then why not book a free, no-obligation consultation with Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team. To book yours either visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or alternatively, you can contact us directly on 020 8876 5277 today. On behalf of Sheen Dental, we look forward to welcoming you to our clinic.