Why Are Dental Implants So Popular Now In The UK?

If you’re considering opting for dental implants in Richmond as a form of missing teeth replacement then you’re not alone. Over the past two years dental implant treatment in the UK has risen by as much as 30%. So why is this? Let’s take a closer look.

Affordable prices

sheendental_dental-implants-in-richmondThe popularity of dental implants in the UK has driven down the prices. In fact according to a survey carried out by the Dental Implant Advisory Service the average price of a dental implant in the UK has decreased to £1868. and some dental practices offer competitive prices as low as £995. Add to this the fact that many clinics across the UK allow patients to spread the cost of payments over a period of weeks or months, and its easy to see how dental implants have suddenly become a more affordable option.

Changing perceptions about appearance

For years Britain didn’t have the same obsession with perfectly straight, dazzling white teeth that other countries like the USA have had, but according to a survey carried out by BUPA, things have changed. Now around 42% of people who took part in the survey suggested that their teeth would be the first thing that they would change about their bodies. Also 53% stated that they felt pressurised to undergo dental treatment because of the impeccable teeth that so many celebrities and many other public figures have. All of this has contributed towards an upshot in people opting for restorative techniques such as dental implants.

More information available

Nowadays more information is being made available which highlights the benefits of undergoing treatment for say a dental implant in Richmond, Manchester, or Edinburgh. This means that patients know what to expect and which clinics to visit for potentially the best results. As dental implant treatments are becoming more affordable to the masses, more and more of us Brits seem to be taking the plunge and it isn’t hard to see why.

If you’d like to find out more information on dental implants in Richmond, then you should contact Sheen Dental. Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team have been successfully placing implants into patients for many years and as such have built up the experience and the skills to deliver the perfect results. Why not book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation where you can get all your questions and concerns answered allowing you to make a fully informed decision about your dental health. To book yours, either visit us online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or contact us directly on 020 8876 5277. On behalf of Sheen Dental we look forward to giving you a warm welcome.