Dental Implants – Are They Possible For Someone With Diabetes?

Today dental implants in Richmond are an increasingly popular form of missing teeth replacement. As lost teeth are an issue facing many folk, more and more people are looking for dependable alternatives to conventional teeth replacement such as dentures. The issue is that many people who could seriously benefit from dental implants already have health problems such as diabetes. Diabetes can affect many parts of the body and sometimes uncontrollable diabetes can lead to tissue and nerve damage which can also impact heavily on a person’s oral health. Does this mean then, that a person who suffers from diabetes isn’t a good candidate for the dental implant procedure?

dental-implants-in-richmondThe short answer is no – However there are a number of considerations to take into account. Firstly it’s been documented that the healing ability of a diabetic is often slower than that of a non-diabetic. In addition diabetics are also prone to contracting more infections than non-diabetics. Finally some diabetics have a chronic inflammatory response, which can lead to tissue damage and a whole host of other issues.

Because undergoing a dental implant in Richmond requires not only minor surgery (eg, the placement of the implant into the jaw bone) but the need for bone growth to help give the implant it’s characteristic strength qualities, some dentists in the past have questioned whether diabetics are too much of a risk for dental implants. Now however research has shown that diabetics can experience dental implants without any undue risk. This all hinges on how well sufferers can control their blood sugar levels.

For those that can keep their glucose levels well under control, it’s thought that they have as much chance of implant success as non-diabetics, it’s just that considerations such as bone healing time, might need to be taken into account. Even for those with poor glucose control, it isn’t the end of the road because once a patient can get their diabetes under control, then there’s every chance of dental implant success.

To find out more about how being a diabetic can affect your chances of undergoing dental implants in Richmond then book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation with Dr Kalsi and the team at Sheen Dental. To make a booking either visit our website at or contact us directly on 020 8876 5277. We look forward to answering your questions and concerns so that you can make a fully informed dental decision.