Dental Implants – Look At The Long-Term benefits Not The Short Term Cost

When people consider undergoing dental implants in Richmond, or indeed anywhere else in the country, there’s one aspect that can cause a great deal of hesitancy and that’s the initial cost; and for those who require multiple replacement teeth, then it might just be a stumbling block too far. However before completely ruling out what’s otherwise considered the best form of missing tooth replacement that modern dentistry allows, it might be better to look at the long term benefits and not the initial short term cost. Let’s explain.


dental-implants-in-richmondOne of the biggest pros of dental implants is their longevity. In some cases they have been known to last forty years or more but on average you can expect a well-maintained dental implant to last for approximately thirty years. Conversely, the shelf life of a conventional denture is anywhere between 5-10 years. This is because unlike a dental implant, dentures won’t stop the bone loss process. As bone loss occurs (and it does so gradually over the course of time when a tooth is missing) the jaw bone shrinks. Therefore dentures that once seemed snug fitting will over time become loose. Eventually they can’t be adjusted any more and need replacing. Conversely because a dental implant is secured directly into the jaw bone it stops the bone loss process once and for all. This means that it never needs replacing so from this stand point, a dental implant can be considered a good investment in your dental and overall health.

Strength and durability – Better all round health

On average a denture only has around 20% of the bite force of your natural teeth. This means that a denture wearer will probably have some dietary restrictions. Conversely a dental implant has a bite force of around 80% of our natural teeth so foods such as lean meat, crunchy fruit and vegetables, and nuts, shouldn’t be off limits. In turn, this allows implant wearers the freedom to eat exactly what they like, giving them the option to eat healthily should they choose to.

Hassle-free solutions

Dental Implants in Richmond offer a hassle-free solution to missing teeth replacement. In fact all it takes to keep an implant in tip top condition is regular and thorough brushing and flossing as you normally would with your natural teeth. Unlike dentures there’s no fixatives needed to keep them in place and there’s no need to sterilise them over night as they remain permanently in the mouth. For these reasons, dental implants really are a hassle-free solution.

Restores self confidence

One of the main factors that previous patients say about dental implants is that they restore your confidence. Not only can they restore your smile making you appear years younger, there’s also no possibility of embarrassing denture slippage when in public. This means that you can socialise, speak, and eat with family and friends without fear of losing your prosthetic teeth. In fact, dental implants provide a real confidence boost to many, and in some circumstances give people a new lease of life that they may otherwise not have had.

As you can see, when you undergo dental implants in Richmond, you’re buying into a multitude of long-term benefits that no other form of teeth replacement can bring. So with this in mind, can you really put a price on quality of life?

To find out more about dental implants then visit our website at where you’ll find a wealth of information. Alternatively if you’d like to discuss your dental needs then book yourself a no-obligation consultation with Dr Harmit Kalsi and team. To make an appointment contact us directly on 020 8876 5277 today.