What’s Involved In The Planning Process For Dental Implants?

We’ve written in previous blogs about the important of planning prior to implant surgery but you might be wondering just what’s involved in the planning stages so you know what to expect. If you’re considering a dental implant in Richmond then the very first step is to book an initial consultation.

What to expect during the consultation

dental implants richmondYour dentist will examine you mouth thoroughly as it’s important that your mouth is healthy and there is no gum disease present. He’ll also ask you about your medical history and take a note of any medication that you may be taking. As with any type of surgery, it’s important that you’re in relatively good health and not suffering from any diseases which could affect a successful outcome.

This includes diseases which limit your body’s ability to heal such as diabetes, although if your diabetes is controlled, then your dentist may decide to go ahead with surgery. Another thing that can affect the success rate of a dental implant is smoking, which is not only bad for your oral health, but slows down the healing process too. Smokers are also prone to gum disease which can have a negative affect on the success of a dental implant. Your dentist is likely then to ask that you quit smoking altogether for the duration of the implant procedure, if not for good. If your dentist considers there’s a good chance of dental implant success, then the next step is to have some diagnostic tests.

CT Scans and X-rays

Dentists use a combination of dental X-rays and CT scans which are normally carried out in the clinic itself. CT scans give a detailed 3D image of your jaw and important body structures such as blood vessels, nerves, and sinus cavities which all need to be avoided during implant surgery. In addition they diagnose any problems and identify whether or not you have sufficient bone in your jaw to support the dental implants and the prosthetic. A CT scan helps your dentist/surgeon to carry out precise planning ahead of surgery to ensure that your implant is a success. The planning stage is fairly lengthy but ensures that not only does your implant look and feel natural, but it functions properly too. It takes a team of dental professionals to carefully co-ordinate your dental implant with most of the work being carried out in the background to ensure there are no hiccups on the day of surgery.

If you’d like to learn more about dental implants in Richmond and whether they’re a good fit for you, then we invite you to attend a free no obligation consultation with Sheen Dental. To book yours you can call us direct on 020 8876 5277 or contact us online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk. Dr. Harmit Kalsi looks forward to welcoming you to the clinic.