What Advantages Do Dental Implants Have Over A Denture Or Bridge?

It probably comes as no surprise that dental implants in Richmond and indeed anywhere else in the UK are becoming more and more popular. This is not without good reason. Dental implants have many distinct advantages over most other forms of tooth replacement including bridges and dentures, so what are they? Let’s take a closer look.

Implant vs Bridge

dental implants richmondIn essence the function of a bridge is to ‘bridge’ the gap between a missing tooth and the adjacent healthy teeth. In order to do this a prosthetic tooth is held in position by means of a framework. This framework is supported by the two adjacent healthy teeth either side of the gap. In order to do this the teeth have to be ground down into posts so that they can act as supports for the prosthetic bridging tooth. These ‘posts’ are then capped with crowns which take the full force of the framework. The main issue with this method is that two previously healthy teeth have now been compromised for the sake of one missing tooth.

Conversely when a dental implant in Richmond is fitted directly into the gap it’s self supporting because it’s securely anchored directly into the jaw. This means that it doesn’t rely on any other teeth for support and as a result no other teeth need to be touched. In addition the life cycle of a standard bridge is 10-15 years, whereby a dental implant can last 2 or even 3 times as long.

Implants vs Dentures

Conventional dentures are used to help those people who have experienced either full or partial tooth loss. The issue is however that they sit directly on the gum line and are held in place by either suction, or dental adhesive. As the shape of the jaw changes through bone resorption (a natural condition caused by missing teeth) the dentures can become loose causing the wearer both frustration and pain, especially when they start to rub. They can also make embarrassing clicking sounds when eating or speaking. In addition because they aren’t completely secure they may in many cases limit the types of foods that people eat.

Dental implants on the other hand, can also be used to support a set of dentures and because they’re fastened directly into the jaw bone they won’t move or rub meaning that wearers can feel both confident and comfortable. Wearers won’t experience slipping, clicking, or any of the other side effects that conventional dentures have meaning they can go about out their normal daily life without any dental issues.

If you’d like to find out more about dental implants in Richmond and how they can help you, then schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with us. To book yours, either visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk, or alternatively  contact us directly on 020 8876 5277. Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team look forward to speaking with you.