The Best Thing About Dental Implants

Here at Sheen Dental we never fail to get pleasure from the change we see in patients who have undergone treatment for a dental implant in Richmond. Patients who were previously self conscious are now smiling all the time and brimming with confidence. Others tell us that they’re enjoying eating all of their favourite foods again; and some say how much more convenient it is to keep their teeth in their mouth rather than a glass on the bedside table!

dental-implantsTo be honest, it’s hard to say what’s the best thing about dental implants since they offer so many benefits which differ from one patient to another; but here are some of our top contenders:

Personal freedom – If you’re missing a tooth or tied down to wearing a denture, then it’s hard not to worry about your smile. Will people notice the gap in my smile? Will my dentures start to shift or even fall out when I’m speaking to someone? Did you know some people get so embarrassed about their smile that they avoid social situations and going out altogether. Dental implants restore your smile permanently allowing you to forget any fear or anxiety and be free to live your life as you want, without concern.

Long term solution – Restorative treatments such as traditional dentures and bridges only have a limited lifespan of not much longer than 10 years. Dental implants, on the other hand, combined with good oral healthy and regular dental checks, have the potential to last for up to 40 years and maybe longer.

Maintains bone structure – Have you noticed how people with missing teeth often develop a sunken look to their face which makes them look older than their years? This is because traditional dentures don’t prevent the bone loss which occurs when teeth are missing and which makes the jaw change shape. Dental implants stimulate the bone like a tooth root so that it remains healthy and plentiful. As a result an implant wearer will enjoy a more rounded youthful appearance.

Strength – Dental implants are made from the same titanium that is used in Formula 1 sports cars and is incredibly strong. This gives them the ability to support a denture, crown, or bridge and prevent them from slipping or sliding. In addition a titanium implant can withstand a greater biting force than a traditional denture, and so patients can enjoy eating their favourite foods such as crunchy fruit and vegetables, lean meat, and nuts.

To sum it up, we’d have to say that the best thing about a dental implant is likely to be different for each individual.

If you’re considering dental implants in Richmond then come and have a chat with us. We’ve been placing implants with great success for many years. You can book a free implant consultation by calling us direct on 020 8876 5277 or contact us online at