How To Get Dental Implants If You’re A Nervous Patient

Many people avoid visiting their dentists on a regular basis for the simple reason that they find it extremely stressful and get very anxious about the dental procedures. So what can they do if they’re missing a tooth and desperately want to replace it with a dental implant in Richmond but are literally quaking in their boots at the thought of surgery?

dental-implantsWhile we can assure all of our patients that Dr. Harmit Kalsi is highly experienced and used to treating nervous patients, we can also offer conscious sedation to help alleviate the stress.

About conscious sedation

Conscious sedation is commonly offered in UK dental practices and puts patients into a relaxed dream like state where they’re awake and able to understand and respond to the dentist, but at the same time not at all bothered about what’s going on.

How does it work?

The sedation drugs that we use here are administered through a small needle inserted into a vein in your hand. Throughout the surgical procedure advanced digital monitoring equipment will keep track of your blood, oxygen, and ECG levels. You may also have been given a local anaesthetic so that you don’t feel any pain.

Following the procedure

The effect of the drugs wears off very quickly and most patients remember very little, if anything, about the surgery. This is because the sedation drug actually causes amnesia. You’ll be asked to sit in the waiting room until you’re feeling more ‘with it’ and then an accompanying adult will be able to drive you home. Please be assured that there are no long term side effects to the drugs we use.

Benefits of IV Sedation

  • Good method of choice for a patient who doesn’t want to be aware of the surgical procedure
  • The sedative drugs take effect very quickly and can be tailored to the patient’s individual needs
  • Gag reflex is hugely diminished
  • The drugs produce amnesia for the procedure

If you’re missing a tooth or teeth and need to get your smile fixed, then don’t delay treatment because you’re scared. Dental implants offer the very best form of tooth replacement because they’re permanent, and if cared for properly, long lasting.

Often it’s the unknown that can cause fear and anxiety so why not book a free implant consultation with Sheen Dental. Here you can meet Dr. Harmit Kalsi and the team, take a tour of the facilities, and get your questions and concerns answered. If you’d like to book a consultation call us direct on 020 8876 5277 or contact us online at We’ll do all we possibly can to help you overcome your fears and get the dental treatment you deserve.