Root Canal Or Dental Implant in Richmond?

When the nerve and pulp of a tooth becomes infected then your dentist is faced with two choices: to try and save the tooth with root canal therapy or to extract it.

dental-implants-richmondHis decision will be affected by several factors. For instance whether the surrounding bone is infected, the condition and amount of the remaining tooth structure, the strength of the supporting bone, and whether there is any periodontal disease.

During root canal treatment the pulp and nerve tissue are removed and the canals are thoroughly cleaned and washed out. A temporary filling is then placed to avoid root infection. A follow up appointment will be made once the infection has all cleared, to have the temporary filling removed and a permanent filling or crown placed on the tooth.

What can go wrong?

Root canals have been performed successfully for decades but there’s always a slight risk that complications could develop further down the line. For example if the tooth had a slight crack it could get infected again. In addition curved tooth roots are harder to fill and they could become re-infected. Complications can also be caused if the tip of a file which is being used to clean the roots breaks off.

Because of the fact that root canal therapy does come with slight risk and even after treatment, may require for the tooth to eventually be extracted, some patients wonder whether they should just opt for a dental implant right away. It’s a tricky one because although dental implants have a high success rate, they too come with their own set of risks.

If you’ve been told that you need root canal therapy or a dental implant then ask your dentist to spend some time discussing the pros and cons of both procedures in order that you can make an informed decision.

Better still, why not book a free implant consultation with Sheen Dental. Dr. Harmit Kalsi is extremely knowledgeable and skilled in placing dental implants and has placed thousands with great success over the years. He can give you a thorough oral examination and discuss your best dental options, whether that be a dental implant in Richmond or root canal therapy. You’ll also get to meet the team and take a tour of our facilities, all without any obligation. To book your consultation give us a call on 020 8876 5277 or book online at We look forward to meeting you.