Exploring The Health Benefits Of Dental Implants

When you’re considering a dental restoration there are a number of factors to consider such as what’s involved in the treatment, the long term results, and naturally, the cost. Most importantly though, patients need to factor in the long term health benefits of their chosen treatment. As well as the more obvious aesthetic benefits of dental implants in Richmond, this type of restorative treatment offers a host of health benefits when compared to more traditional restorative treatments such as dentures and bridges.

dental-implantsWhy does a dental implant offer so many health benefits?

Part of the reason dental implants remain successful well into the future is because of the way they’re made and because of the method used to fit them into the mouth. A dental implant is made up of 3 parts: a post, a connective abutment, and the final restoration which can be a dental crown, bridge, or denture. The post is made from titanium which is chosen because it’s a biocompatible material and is normally not rejected by the body. It’s been used in hip and knee replacements for decades.

Once an implant has been placed into the jawbone it’s left to heal. During this time the surrounding bone and gum tissue will bond with the implant post in a natural process known as osseointegration to anchor it firmly to the jawbone. This makes it stable and strong enough to support the restoration. Successful osseointegration is a critical factor of the restoration’s long term success.

The implant in effect mimics the missing tooth root and continues to stimulate the bone and soft tissue, promoting new healthy bone growth and preserving the structure of the jaw. No other form of dental restorative treatment is able to do this.

Preserves existing teeth

A dental implant also helps preserve the remaining teeth since once a tooth is missing, the neighbouring teeth start to shift towards the gap. This not only causes misalignments and possible bite problems, but it can also undermine the underlying bone and soft tissues, causing other teeth to loosen and eventually fall out. It’s what’s commonly called the ‘domino effect.’

Misaligned teeth are also harder to clean since they trap food particles, which if not removed, can cause a build up of plaque and possible gum disease. Because a dental implant is a stand alone procedure which leaves the other existing teeth in their correct positions, better oral health can be maintained than with a bridge or denture.

So, there you have it, the health benefits associated with getting a dental implant in Richmond. If you’d like to find out more about receiving a dental implant or, indeed, whether you are in fact a suitable candidate, then why not book a free no obligation dental implant consultation with Sheen Dental. To book yours, call us on 020 8876 5277 or contact us online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk. We look forward to welcoming you to the clinic.