What To Expect When Seeking Dental Implants In Richmond

Every person will have a different experience when seeking dental implants because each person is different and their dental needs will vary. However, what will remain the same for each and every person is the way their journey begins and this is with an initial consultation with Dr. Harmit Kalsi.

dental-implantsDr. Harmit Kalsi is a renowned implant surgeon and is one of the few dentists to have been awarded the prestigious Diploma in Implantology from the Royal College of Surgeons. You may have contacted us direct or you may have been referred by your own dentist. Either way we welcome you warmly to our clinic.

Step 1 – Free consultation

Naturally we want to meet you face to face and also determine whether a dental implant in Richmond is the best treatment for your individual needs. Dr Kalsi will take a detailed look at your dental and medical history and describe the implant procedure in detail. It’s important to ask questions and get your concerns addressed at this stage, because we want you to feel confident and comfortable with your treatment.

Dr. Kalsi will undertake an oral examination and take X-rays to determine the density of the bone in your jaw. Even if you’ve been told previously that you don’t have sufficient bone for the implant procedure, we may still be able to help with the aid of a bone graft. Provided you’re eligible for a dental implant we’ll draw up a treatment plan together with projected costs, that you can take home with you before making your decision.

Step 2 – If you have sufficient bone

Provided you have adequate healthy bone to support dental implants we’ll make an appointment for surgery that’s convenient for you. This can be carried out with local anaesthetic or IV sedation, if you prefer. The number of visits and time factor will depend on the number and type of implants that you’re having.

Step 2 – Should you require a sinus lift or bone graft

If you don’t have sufficient bone density then we may carry out a bone graft or, in the case of upper jaw implants, a sinus lift before placing the implants. Once this has healed, your implants can be placed.

Step 3 – Final restoration

Your new teeth are sometimes placed at the same time as your implants, but often you have to wait a few months for the implants to bond with the jawbone. This varies from one individual to the next and also depends on the type of implants that you’re having. Replacement teeth in the form of a dental crown for a single tooth and a bridge or secured dentures for multiple teeth, will be placed on to the top of the implants and hey presto you have a natural, attractive, and functional smile.

Step 4 – After Care

You’ve just got new teeth so you want to take care of your investment. You’ll need to follow a strict oral care routine at home and visit us on a regular basis for check-ups. We also want to see you right away if you experience any problems. With the proper care and attention your new teeth could last your lifetime.

If you’re interested in finding out more about dental implants in Richmond then why don’t you take advantage of our free no obligation implant consultation? Call us today on 020 8876 5277 or contact us online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk and take the first step to a beautiful new smile.