The Main Reasons For Dental Implant Failure

No matter what type of surgery you undergo, simple or complex, there is a certain element of risk and this is no exception for dental implants. In Richmond, at Sheen Dental we’ve placed hundreds of implants over the years with very few failures. However we believe that to avoid a surgery failure it’s best for every patient to fully understand the major causes of dental implant failure.

Failing to maintain good oral hygiene

dental implants in RichmondGetting a dental implant is quite an involved process which consists of various stages taking place over a period of up to 9 months. A titanium post is planted into the patient’s jawbone which will eventually support either an individual crown or dental bridge. This is then left for several months in order for it to fuse with the surrounding jawbone and soft tissues in a process know as osseointegration. It’s not until this has happened that the surgeon can go ahead with placing a permanent crown or bridge. It is absolutely critical that during this healing period patients maintain as high a level of oral hygiene as they can. If they don’t take sufficient care any bacteria that is not removed can develop at the implant site and cause irritation, swelling, and infections.


Some dentists will refuse point blank to go ahead with dental implants if you are a smoker whereas others will insist that you stop for at least six week before the treatment starts and refrain from smoking for the entire duration of the healing period. There are several reasons for this. The act of smoking deprives the body of much needed oxygen and this slows down the healing process. In addition it is known that that cigarette smoke acts as an irritant and can cause abscesses and infections in the mouth.

Teeth grinding

Permanent dental implants may be a problem for a person who grinds their teeth in a condition known as bruxism. Constant movement from tooth grinding can interfere with the dental implant healing process and could prevent it from setting in the correct position. Even if the implant does set, tooth grinding will soon wear down the attached crown. In cases like this then a better option is likely to be removable bridges which can be replaced.

Compromised implant

Sometimes a person can suffer dental implant failure through no fault of their own. If proper care is not taken to ensure that the implant is completely sterile before being implanted into the patient’s jawbone and the titanium post is contaminated with bacteria, then the implant site can become infected, and lead to implant failure.

The best way to avoid dental implant failure is for good communication between the patient and the dentist in regards to treatment and proper after care whilst the implant heals. If you’re considering a dental implant in Richmond then why not book a free consultation with us. Here you’ll meet the dental team, view the facilities and be talked through the whole procedure. Following surgery we’ll ask you to attend follow-up appointments to ensure that everything is going according to plan and that there are no problems. Call us today on 020 8876 5277or visit our website at For further information.