Why Planning Is So Important To The Success Of A Dental Implant

If you’ve been researching dental implants in Richmond or elsewhere in the UK, then you’ve probably read a lot about the merits of dental implants and the benefits they offer to patients looking to replace missing or damaged teeth. However, considerably less is written about the importance of planning and preparation in order to give your dental implant its best possible chance of success.

dental-implants-richmondHere at Sheen Dental we spend a large amount of time making sure that our patients are fully prepared and ready to receive dental implants before the actual procedure begins.

Free consultation

We offer a free no-obligation consultation whereby anyone interested in finding out more about dental implants can come and have a chat with Dr. Harmit Kalsi and meet the dental team. During this meeting we’ll try to establish the patient’s needs and expectations and discuss their options. It’s also a good time for patients to get the answers to any questions they may have. By spending time this way, the patient has a better understanding of what is entailed in the procedure, and we know what we need to achieve.

Medical history

One factor which will also be discussed is the patient’s current health and their medical history. Although the vast majority of patients have no problems with the dental implant surgery, there are those with certain medical conditions, or taking certain medications, which may raise issues that need addressing.

Our main concern is that the patient is in the best of health before the procedure. We’ll also ask that smokers and heavy drinkers strop for a period of time before and after the placement of implants, as both of these factors pose a threat to the success of implants.

The patient’s oral health will also be assessed, and we’ll be looking in particular for any signs of gum disease. If this is present, then it needs to be treated first of all.

Scans and  X-rays

Once the patient has decided to go ahead, and we’re satisfied that they’re in good health to receive a an implant, we’ll take a number of scans, X-rays, and impressions. These are to determine whether a patient has sufficient bone to support a dental implant and to ensure the precise placement of the implant. This is a vital stage of the preparation, as one of the common causes of implant failure is where an inexperienced surgeon has not placed the implant correctly. The impressions are sent to the dental laboratory so they can start to craft the dental crown which will be attached to the implant in the latter stages of the procedure.

Follow up care

We also schedule a number of follow-up checks so that we can monitor the progress of your implant and check for any problems such as gingivitis, which if not treated can lead to more serious gum disease and put your implant at risk. We also expect the patient to play their part by making sure they maintain a good level of oral hygiene and brush and floss round their implant as they should for their natural teeth.

Our goal is to provide you with a dental implant that will last you for 20 years, if not longer, allowing you to smile, speak, and eat as you would with a natural tooth.

If you’d like to find out more about getting a dental implant in Richmond, then we invite you to book a free consultation by phoning 020 8876 5277 or contact us online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk.