How Can Dental Implants Be Life Changing?

It’s easy to be sceptical about any treatments or procedures which claim to be ‘life changing’. For example you may see an advert for Botox, claiming to totally change your life. Whilst it may improve the appearance of your wrinkles, in reality, these benefits are only short term, and a person will need to have repeated treatment to maintain their new, youthful look.

dental-implants-richmondThe same can’t be said about a dental implant in Richmond, however, which really can make a huge difference to a patient’s life, as we’ve seen countless times, here at Sheen Dental.

The benefits of dental implants

Although dentures do a good job of replacing missing teeth they don’t offer the same benefits as dental implants, namely:

  • A Fixed, permanent solution which doesn’t have to be taken out at night for cleaning
  • Totally natural looking
  • A lifespan, with proper care, of at least 20 years and often longer
  • Allows you to eat foods without fear of slippage and embarrassment
  • Prevents bone loss in the jaw by taking the role of a tooth root

The above are all reasons why dental implants are often referred to as “the gold standard” of tooth replacement methods.

Do dental implants hurt?

Placing dental implants does require a surgical procedure so that the implants can be placed into the jawbone. However, this is carried out with local anaesthetic at the clinic, so that discomfort is kept to a minimum. Once the implants have been placed there will be a period of waiting for them to integrate with the surrounding bone, to become a permanent fixture in the mouth, which are strong enough to support replacement teeth. There will be a little pain after the anaesthetic has worn off and patients will need to change to a liquid/soft food diet for a short period of time to avoid damaging the implants as they heal. Once healing has taken place and the crowns have been attached to the implants, a patient can start using them as they would natural teeth.

Dental implants don’t just fill gaps where teeth are missing. They can also be used to secure a fixed bridge or arch of teeth, improving a person’s confidence and allowing them to eat all of their favourite foods once more. By putting a halt to bone loss, they also preserve the facial structures and prevent premature ageing. Now do you understand why dental implants are life changing?

If you’re considering dental implants in Richmond then come and have a chat with us. We’ve been placing dental implants for several years and get a real buzz from our many happy patients. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 or contact us online at