Do your dentures get you down? Here’s how we can help

Are you struggling with dentures that are becoming progressively looser? The team at Sheen Dental Implants in Richmond can help. By using dental implants in a procedure known as denture stabilisation, we can put an end to your denture woes for good.

dental-dentures-richmondWhy dentures become loose

The primary cause of loose dentures is bone shrinkage or resorbtion. Because traditional fixtures don’t replace the roots of natural teeth, the jaw bone is likely to start shrinking back. This means that whilst your new teeth will have fitted well in the beginning, with the passing of time they are likely to have become looser and looser, unwieldy and uncomfortable.

Ill-fitting dentures can cause problems with your diet, as you may struggle to eat anything other than soft foods, which can have a negative impact on your ability to maintain good nutrition. In the long-term, this can have serious implications for your overall health.

Speech is also often frequently affected, and you may lose your confidence to smile, laugh, or even be seen in public because you are terrified of your teeth escaping from your mouth at an inopportune moment.

Denture stabilisation in Richmond

Dental implants help to alleviate these problems because not only do they anchor your teeth firmly in place, but also because they are made out of titanium, they actively encourage bone growth.

If you are struggling with your current false teeth, we invite you to join us at our Richmond clinic for a consultation. Your dentist will examine you, including checking your current levels of bone density using scans and/or x-rays. If you are found to be lacking in bone density, a bone graft, sinus lift, or bone expansion procedure may be recommended – we will discuss all of your options in full.

Implants are placed under either local anaesthetic or sedation at our Richmond practice. After a healing period, your dentures will be attached to the top of the implants.

Advantages of denture stabilisation include:

  • The ability to eat what you like, helping you keep healthy
  • Renewed confidence to speak, smile, and laugh
  • Natural looking, natural acting teeth