Dental implants: common questions answered

Every patient’s dental implants journey will be unique, but there are common factors in most cases. At Sheen Dental in Richmond we understand that choosing to have elective oral surgery for any reason – including the placement of dental implants – is a big decision. When it comes to implants, however, we also think that in many cases it will be the best decision you make, in terms of both your oral and general health.

dental-implantsWe have gathered some common questions regarding dental implants below. If you can’t find an answer to your query here, please get in touch with a member of our Richmond team, and we will be happy to help you.

How do dental implants work?

Dental implants replace the root parts of lost teeth. They are placed in direct contact with your jaw bone in a minor operation, carried out here at our Richmond clinic. Your implants will mesh with your jaw bone and will provide an anchor for dentures, a bridge, or crowns that is akin to that of natural tooth roots.

An operation? Will it hurt, and do I need to book time off work?

Implant placement should be pain-free. At our Richmond dental practice we carry out most procedures under local anaesthetic, although conscious sedation is available if you are nervous or having several dental implants placed.

Your dentist will advise you about how to manage post-operative discomfort; in most cases, over-the-counter painkillers will be enough. Most people are back at their daily activities within a couple of days at most.

Do I get new teeth immediately?

In some cases, when all the teeth in one jaw are being replaced, it is possible to fit dental implants and new teeth at the same time. This is called Same Day Teeth. Your Richmond dentist will discuss your suitability at your implant consultation.

In other cases it is best to leave the implants whilst osseointegration takes place (the implant meshing with the bone). Temporary teeth may be fitted in this circumstance, so you needn’t fear being toothless.

How do I look after my implants?

In much the same way as natural teeth. Good dental hygiene is vital.