Questions and answers about dental implants, the permanent solution to tooth loss

Dental implants are an increasingly popular way to replace missing teeth. Sheen Dental Implants in Richmond offers a range of implant-based treatments to suit all circumstances, no matter what has caused your tooth loss and no matter how many teeth need to be replaced.

At our Richmond dental clinic we believe that dental implants are the best way to restore action and appearance to your jaw. However, we understand that it is a big decision to make, which is why we have gathered some common questions about implant treatment.

dental-implants-in-richmondHow do dental implants work?

Implants are small titanium screws or posts that replace the roots of any missing teeth. They are placed directly in your jaw bone during minor oral surgery here at our Richmond dental practice. As soon as they are in place, they begin to integrate with your jaw bone, and after a few months permanent new teeth are attached.

Oral surgery? Will it be painful, and how much time do I need to take off work?

Placing dental implants isn’t painful. At our Richmond clinic we offer treatment under local anaesthetic or sedation, so you won’t feel a thing. As with any surgery there may be some swelling and discomfort for a few days after surgery. This is usually slight and doesn’t last long. To help, you can:

  • Use any medicated mouthwash your dentist prescribes
  • Rinse your mouth with warm salt water
  • Use ice packs to combat swelling
  • Avoid poking the surgery site with your tongue
  • Avoid wearing traditional dentures for a couple of days

Most people who have implants fitted at our Richmond dental practice are back to their normal routine after a couple of days.

How many teeth can implants replace?

As many as you need. Dental implants combined with crowns, a dental bridge, or dentures can replace from one to all of your natural teeth.

My dentures used to fit but now they’re loose. Will the same thing happen with dental implants?

No. Because implants replace the roots of your teeth, they keep your jaw bone strong, and your new teeth secure.