Better dentures today with Sheen Dental

If you are a lifelong denture user then at some point you may have experienced a common worry among denture wearers: are my dentures coming loose? Having this question constantly nagging at the back of your mind can knock your confidence and take the joy out of your meals. At our practice in Richmond, dentures that are loose can become a thing of the past with dental implants. If you are ready to leave your denture worries behind, then Sheen Dental is here to make it possible.

dentures-in-richmondHow can dental implants help me?

Dental implants work like artificial roots. Made of lightweight titanium, these small screws fit into the jawbone, encourage bone growth, and provide a stable base for your dentures to be secured to.

At Sheen Dental in Richmond, dentures are stabilised with dental implants so you will never have to deal with dental adhesives again. After your dental implants are fitted and you have been given time to heal, another special fixture will be added on top to provide a secure structure for your dentures to be clipped on to.

You will still be able to remove your dentures whenever you like and easily pop them back into place,except now you’ll have the peace of mind that they won’t slip out of place when you’re eating, chewing or having a conversation. Alternatively, you can opt to have your dentures permanently fixed to your dental implants. Whatever your dental needs in Richmond, dentures by Sheen Dental are tailored to meet them.

Why choose us?

At Sheen Dental, we are dedicated to providing you with high quality dental care that will give you the freedom to enjoy life without worrying about your dental health. Our treatments are carried out by our experienced and friendly staff in a caring environment. We want to make sure your dental treatment is relaxed and pain-free, which is why we offer local anaesthetic as well as sedation. Reducing the stress associated with meeting dental costs, we also offer several finance plans to help ease the burden. Call or email us today to have your dental questions and concerns answered.