No more adhesives

Are you tired of purchasing dental adhesive and having to continuously apply it to your dentures just so that you can eat, talk and laugh? Have you heard about implant-retained dentures? If not, continue to read on to find out how they could be the perfect alternative to your standard dentures.

dental-implants-richmondWhy you should consider implant-retained dentures

Dental clinic, Sheen Dental Implants says that patients prefer their implant-retained dentures over more traditional dentures. Richmond patients say that they are much more comfortable because there is no rubbing on the gums causing soreness and irritation. In addition, as the dentures are totally secured onto the dental implant, there is no way they can fallout and cause an embarrassing situation when talking or laughing. With traditional dentures, many people are unable to eat the foods that they want due to issues with their dentures moving around in the mouth. Implant-retained dentures allow wearers to eat whatever food they want, when they want, significantly improving the quality of life.

How implant retained-dentures in Richmond are fitted

Dental implants are initially inserted into the jaw of the patient before the dentures are fitted. The implants are made from titanium metal, which over time will fuse with the bone. In some cases, the bone of the patient will have reduced over time meaning that there isn’t enough bone available in which to place the dental implants. In these situations a bone graft can be carried out prior to treatment. Once the implants have been fitted, dentures are attached. This means the patient now has a full set of functioning teeth that look totally natural.

Benefits of implant retained dentures

  • Dentures are fit securely to the gums
  • No more soreness caused by rubbing
  • You are able to eat a wide range of food
  • Speech will be improved
  • Taste will be improved
  • Less ‘bulky’ dentures.

Interested in implant-retained dentures?

If you’re now convinced that the treatment is for you, make an appointment with Sheen dental implants in Richmond. Dentures should be a help, not a hindrance.