Implant-supported removable dentures in Richmond

Many people who have lost their teeth in one or both jaws find removable dentures a quick and affordable way to restore their smiles. Yet dentures can prove challenging: they become loose with time, resulting in embarrassing moments when you eat or speak.

dentures-in-richmondRemovable dentures also encourage bone loss in the jawbone. If you would like to prevent all these problems but you cannot afford a permanent tooth replacement option, then why not trying stabilising your removable dentures with dental implants.

At Sheen Dental Implants in Richmond, dentures, particularly lower ones, can be successfully supported by dental implants. Our dentists will assess your individual case and determine how many dental implants will be needed for the full support of your dentures. You may wish to modify your existing dentures to become implant-supported dentures, but if they are extremely loose, your dentist will suggest creating new ones.

How it works

Dental implants are small titanium posts that replace the roots of your natural teeth; they support replacement crowns, bridges or dentures into your jawbone. Like natural tooth roots, they are hidden under the gum line. Titanium has the unique ability to fuse with living bone, therefore your dental implants attach to your jawbone and help to preserve and stimulate its volume and density.

Lower dentures usually require two implants for support, though every patient is unique and we will have to examine you to determine what would be ideal for your case. In contrast, upper dentures require more implants (either four of six)for successful stabilisation due to structural differences between the upper and lower jaws.

What to expect if you opt for implant dentures in Richmond

At Sheen Dental Implants, implant surgery is a simple, routine procedure carried out in the practice under local anaesthesia in one visit. Depending on how many dental implants you need in total, the surgery may last anywhere from one to three hours. After surgery, your implants will need to heal and fuse to your jawbone before they can support your dentures. This process is different for each patient, but at least six weeks will be required.