Implant retained dentures

If you have suffered with dental problems you may need to consider getting dentures. Traditional, unsecured dentures are the normal option for your denture needs. Many people finding wearing them can find them uncomfortable, inconvenient and awkward. This is no longer the case with dentures in Richmond. At Sheen Dental Implants, we offer all our denture patients the option for implant retained dentures.

dentures-richmondWhat is the problem with unsecured dentures?

Unsecured dentures can make it difficult to chew various foods, which can, in turn, stop you eating all the foods which you previously had enjoyed. Wearing dentures can also affect how you pronounce words, therefore effecting the way you speak. This can lead to a lack of confidence in your dentures and both physical and emotional upset.

What are the benefits of implant retained dentures in Richmond?

Implant retained dentures are more secure than traditional dentures. Unsecured dentures must also be held in place by a bonding agent or gel and are known for becoming loose, or even falling out altogether. Implant retained dentures in Richmond are held securely in place, creating a much more reliable denture experience.

Implant retained dentures also prevent the wearer experiencing sore spots, which can occur with unsecured dentures. When you wear an implant retained denture, it will prevent any further bone loss that can occur from missing teeth. This then leads to you keeping a strong and healthy facial structure, as missing teeth can lead to a sunken, unhealthy look. As well as this, implant retained dentures in Richmond will keep your mouth healthier and cleaner.

Can I afford it?

At Sheen Dental Implants, we want to make your implant retained dentures procedure as easy and painless as possible. If you choose to pay over 12 monthly payments, we can offer you a payment plan that is completely interest free. This means that you no longer worry about paying for your treatment in one lump sum.

Find out more

We know you must have many more questions about how implant retained dentures work. Drop into the surgery or give to a call today and find out how loose dentures can become a thing of the past.