How To Safeguard Your Dental Implant Smile

Generally speaking dental implants in Richmond or elsewhere for that matter limit the need for additional dental treatment for the entire lifetime of the teeth involved, unless they happen to get broken or worn down. It’s true to say that the upfront costs for implants may seem quite high but when spread over the years that no other restorative dental treatment will be needed, then it removes some of that initial ouch factor! In fact for a person entering middle age and investing in a full mouth of implant prosthodontics then the cost of dental care for the rest of their life could equate to less than 30 years spent on patching up damaged teeth to maintain oral health.

dental implants in RichmondThe durability of porcelain teeth and titanium implants is well documented and neither of these materials will decay. However it still requires patient compliance to keep these well constructed and perfectly engineered replacement teeth healthy. Smiles restored by dental implants need to be kept meticulously clean or they could be subject to failure. Dental implants cannot survive in a mouth where bacteria is present.


Peri-implantitis is a name given to the build up of inflammation around the dental implant site which has the potential to lead to the loss of the implant. Peri-implantitis can occur if a patient fails to maintain a good level of oral hygiene; when systemic diseases are present in the body; or when the implant is subjected to cigarette smoke. Although dental implants have been known to survive various medical complications, they struggle to withstand attacks from toxins in oral bacteria or tobacco smoke, and as a result this has a huge negative effect on their longevity.

Here at Sheen Dental, as experienced as Dr Harmit Kalsi is at placing a dental implant in Richmond, we can’t emphasise enough that its overall success ultimately lies with you, the patient. We give as much information and advise as we possibly can and encourage all patients to attend regular follow-up appointments so that we can check that you are maintaining a high level of oral health and that there are no problems. An early detection of a potential problem can make all the difference to whether or not the implant weakens and falls out. By sticking to a good routine of regular brushing and flossing patients can expect decades of performance from their dental implant restoration both in terms of function and aesthetics. Skilled prosthodontists together with dedicated patients equates to a good return on your investment.

If you’d like to find out more about dental implants in Richmond then why not call Sheen Dental on 020 8876 5277 to book a free consultation or visit our website at for more information. We look forward to hearing from you.