What Does The Future Hold For Dental Implant Treatment In The Next 20 Years?

Although we’ve no real way of knowing how implant dentistry will progress and change in 20 years time we’ve every reason to believe that it will be far more advanced than it is today. One of the ways of guessing how dental implant technology is likely to pan out in the future is by looking at how far it has come in the past twenty years, and it’s fair to say that it has come a very long way.

dental implants in RichmondAt one time it would have been out of the reach of most people to get a dental implant in Richmond or anywhere in the UK, since it was a procedure that was in its experimental stages and only available to people who had a great deal of money to spend.

Over the last twenty years, thanks to advances in surgical techniques and dental technology coupled with improved materials, dental implants have become more of an effective and reliable treatment for most dental patients. Given their successful track record to date, there’s every indication that implant dentistry will progress further, become even safer and more accurate, and improve more with regards to aesthetics and functionality.

Advances over the last two decades

Over the last two decades advances in implant dentistry have made dental implants available to a wider range of patients and not just those with perfect health and an abundance of strong, dense bone. More reliable bone grafting techniques are now regularly used to augment bone to produce a stronger foundation for those who have suffered bone loss. 3D imaging has also paved the way for more precise placement of implants enhancing safety and leading the way forward with specialised implants and surgical techniques that often do away with the need for bone grafts. In addition virtual surgical planning and computer guided surgery has meant less invasive procedures and quicker healing times as a result, also making surgery time less and more suited to patients who aren’t in perfect health. Prior to twenty years ago, many patients would have been turned down for dental implant surgery and left with no choice other than dentures.

So, what’s next?

Scientists are constantly researching new possibilities in implant dentistry and related issues and one area being looked at closely is nanotechnology in terms of making improvements in diagnosing, treating, and relieving pain. It’s also being considered as a method of cell and tissue regeneration and a means of preventing infection and fighting bacteria.

Although the above is all about what could happen, one thing is for certain and that is that materials, techniques, and technology will continue to improve and more people than ever will be seeking dental implants in Richmond to restore their smiles and change their lives for the better. If you’d like to know more about the dental implant procedure then why not come and talk to us. You can call on 020 8876 5277 to book a complimentary consultation or visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk