How Painful Are Dental Implant Procedures?

Here at Sheen Dental we regularly fit dental implants in Richmond patients following the extraction of broken or badly decayed teeth. Many of our patients tell us that having the broken or decayed tooth extracted is the most uncomfortable process compared to having dental implants fitted, although many people might expect it to be the other way around. Thanks to modern day dental technology and techniques, sitting through both of these procedures is surprisingly easy, and typically no pain is felt, although you may experience a little discomfort.

dental implants in RichmondWhen teeth are removed because of infection, then often the bone is infected, the tooth may be cracked, and the patient is in considerable pain and already feeling pretty sorry for themselves. The thought of extraction or surgery thus becomes an even scarier prospect. The good news is that most patients are surprised at just how little pain they feel (if any) despite having arrived at the clinic in pain, and wondering whether it will all be worth it.

The fact they felt no pain and instead were comfortable throughout the process is because here at Sheen Dental we take time with our patients so that they can say how they would like their teeth to look, as well as expressing any concerns or fears, before we even examine their mouths. A thorough examination together with 3D images and a written treatment plan is all necessary before we go ahead with placing dental implants. We commonly use medications such as nitrous oxide, IV sedation, antibiotics and painkillers to make the procedure easier.

When you have a dental implant placed you’re looking to the future. You’re regaining a lost tooth, and you’re getting back your smile. Time has been spent planning for your implant, finances are in place, any infection has been dealt with, and you’re feeling happier in yourself and just wanting to get on with it and move forward. The area is more comfortable to work with since the source of the pain has been removed.

Post surgery, any pain can be eased using over the counter painkillers and a cold compress to reduce any swelling. Usually a patient is feeling back to normal within a couple of days and while they wait for the bone fusing procedure to take effect, life goes on pretty much as normal. Any minor discomforts are soon forgotten and the long term benefits of a dental implant in Richmond more than make up for them. If you’re interested in getting a dental implant or finding out more, then why not book a complimentary consultation with Sheen Dental by phoning 020 8876 5277 or take a look at our website at for more information.