Why A Single Tooth Implant May Be A Better Alternative To Root Canal Treatment

Many more patients are taking advantage of dental implants. In Richmond,at Sheen Dental, we routinely re-create brand new smiles for patients using dental implants, but there are also plenty of occasions when just a single dental implant may be the order of the day.

dental implants in RichmondAs dentists our prime objective is to maintain a patient’s natural teeth to help them keep them for as long as possible and provided the tooth roots and enamel are healthy, then the preferred treatment choice is typically using precision crown and bridge work. However, we’re sometimes faced with the scenario where a tooth has had a lot of treatment over the years and this may even include root canal therapy. Since the structure of the tooth has become significantly weakened then making a new crown does not bode well for longevity. It’s in cases like this where we would recommend a single tooth implant.

A single dental implant offers many benefits to the patient. The titanium implant will fuse with the surrounding bone to create a long lasting stable platform with which to support the prosthetic tooth that will be attached to it and also guarantees that no further root canal treatment will ever be needed for that particular tooth. Modern dental technology and superior materials also means that the implant will look and function in just the same way as the other natural teeth. What’s more, the dental implant is proven to last longer than a conventional crown which means that over a period of time, it offers a cost effective solution too.

There is a fine line between balancing the virtues of retaining a natural tooth for a few more years and rectifying the situation once and for all with a single tooth implant. Here at Sheen Dental, we consider all single tooth cases with a great deal of care to ensure that the decision made is in the best interests of the dentition as a whole. However, many patients are opting to bypass root canal treatment altogether and prefer to ask right away for a single tooth implant.

If you’re considering a single dental implant in Richmond then why not come and speak with Sheen Dental. Dr. Harmit Kalsi is extremely skilled and knowledgeable so you can rest assured that you’ll be in safe hands. Call us today to book a free implant consultation to discuss your dental options and to find out how we can best help you. The number to call is 020 8876 5277 or you can visit our website for more information at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk/.