4 Questions To Ask During Your Dental Implant Consultation

The idea of getting your smile restored with one or more perfect gleaming new teeth can seem an exciting one, but due to the investment involved as regards the length of time involved and the cost, it’s not a decision to be taken lightly. Dental implants in Richmond or elsewhere do involve oral surgery and similar to any surgical procedure it makes sense for a patient to be totally prepared and know just what to expect.

dental implants in RichmondHere at Sheen Dental we offer a complimentary consultation for those considering dental implants and it’s a time when patients can ask questions and voice their concerns. Here are some of the questions that you might want to consider asking your prospective oral surgeon.

What are my chances of a successful outcome?

Since dental implants represent a significant investment both financially and time-wise, it’s only natural that you would want to do all you can to maximise the success of your implant. The crucial requirement of a dental implant is there being sufficient bone in which to place the implant so that they can fuse together to create a stable platform for the prosthetic crown, bridge or denture to be placed. If you’ve been missing a tooth or teeth at the site for some time, then bone loss may have occurred and it may be necessary for you to undergo a bone graft before a dental implant can be placed.

How long will the surgery take?

This depends on the complexity of the surgery but for most patients it can take anywhere from half an hour to a couple of hours and will be carried out under a local anaesthetic, often at the dental clinic itself.

What’s involved in the healing process?

Generally this involves eating a soft diet for the first few days after the procedure and following the surgeon’s post operative instructions to ensure proper healing. Most patients can return to work the following day or the day after. Recovery time is also dictated by whether a bone graft or sinus lift was necessary.

What risk is there of complications?

Similar to any surgery the possibility of infection is the largest risk which could impact on the healing and possibly cause the failure of the implant. If you’ve been prescribed antibiotics or other medication then it’s important to take the full course. It’s also essential to keep your mouth clean but be gentle when brushing around the implant site. Finally, you should refrain from smoking during the healing period, as this is proven to slow down or prevent healing from occurring at all.

Don’t be afraid to ask your oral surgeon questions before you have your implants placed. No question is considered silly and it’s important that you know all the facts before going ahead with a dental implant. If you’d like to know more about getting a dental implant in Richmond then just give us a call on020 8876 5277 to arrange a consultation. Alternatively, there’s plenty of information to be viewed on our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk/