When Is A Bone Graft Needed By A Person Seeking A Dental Implant?

Dental implants are a marvellous tooth loss replacement because they actually replicate the entire tooth structure of a biological device which means that they look, act, and feel just like natural teeth and the bone loss which typically occurs following tooth loss, is brought to a halt.

dental implants in RichmondA dental implant is the name for the titanium post which is inserted into the jaw bone during oral surgery. This fuses with the surrounding bone in a biological process known as osseointegration to form a stable platform on which to place a prosthetic crown, bridge or denture.

A prerequisite for this treatment is that an individual has sufficient bone in order to support the implant and for osseointegration to take place. Unfortunately if a person has been missing a tooth or teeth for some while, then significant bone loss may have occurred and this can increase the risk of a dental implant failing.

This doesn’t mean that a person can’t have a dental implant in Richmond, but it does mean that they may require preliminary oral surgery prior to the implant being placed. This is likely to be the case when a person has lost a lot of bone, or if the bone is too soft or too thin to support an implant. Bone grafting can address this problem. Although this may sound a little daunting, it’s a very common surgery which is regularly carried out at Sheen Dental and consists of inserting bone tissue, often taken from the patient’s chin, into the implant site. Sometimes a synthetic substance may be used or bone from a cadaver.

The technique used will depend on where the implant site is located. Take the rear of the upper jaw for example. Typically the bone is particularly thin in this area and if a tooth needs replacing in this vicinity then the surgeon may perform what is called a sinus augmentation. This is done by raising the roof of the sinus and filling the space with bone graft material. This will then be left to heal and bond with the surrounding bone to increase both the width and depth of the implant site in order that the dental implant placement can go ahead.

If you’ve been a denture wearer for a long time or are looking to swap your old denture bridge for implants then be aware that you could have suffered significant bone loss. Yes, you’ll feel a little bit down hearted if you’re told you need a bone graft, since this will incur additional costs and a longer healing time, but if it increases the chances of dental implant success, then surely it’s worth it.

If you’d like to know more about the process of getting dental implants in Richmond then why not call Sheen Dental on 020 8876 5277 to book a complimentary consultation. We’ve been placing dental implants and carrying out bone grafts for many years and our success rates speak for themselves. You can also find out more information at our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk/