What Are Mini Dental Implants And When Are They Used?

If you’ve been researching dental implants in Richmond or elsewhere, you may have come across the term ‘mini dental implants’ so we thought this might be a good topic for our blog. Typically mini dental implants are used for patients who have just the minimal amount of bone necessary for dental implant treatment.

dental implants in RichmondWhat exactly are mini implants?

Like standard implants, mini dental implants are small posts which are surgically inserted into the jaw bone and which act as tooth roots. They prevent further bone loss from occurring and function as a secure anchor for replacement teeth such as crowns or bridges to be cemented, or for dentures to be snapped onto.

Typically they’re made from titanium or titanium alloy, as with standard dental implants. The main difference between these and other forms of implants, is their size. Mini implants have a diameter ranging from 1.8-2.0mm whereas standard implants can range from 3.0-6.0mm.

Benefits of mini implants

Mini implants are far less invasive than conventional implants and cause minimum surgical stress when placed in the jawbone. The advantages of this aspect include:

  • Healing time is minimised following surgery
  • Less bone is needed to place them, which means more people qualify as suitable candidates
  • They can eliminate the need for a bone graft
  • They shorten the length of surgery time since they are easier to place
  • Cheaper than standard implants

When are mini implants used?

One of the most common uses of mini dental implants is to secure a lower set of dentures. Dentures can be snapped onto mini implants using special fixtures and these prevent the dentures from slipping and sliding around in the mouth, which is a common problem for many denture wearers. They can withstand a greater force of pressure from eating which means patients can enjoy a more varied diet too. They are also useful in areas of the mouth where space is limited and are being used frequently for holding single restorations such as dental bridges and crowns in place.

If you’ve been told before that you weren’t a suitable candidate for conventional implants then you may find that you can instead benefit from mini implants. If you’re interested in finding out more about getting a dental implant in Richmond then why not come and talk to us at Sheen Dental. We’re experts in dental implants and can give you a full evaluation and discuss all of your dental options. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 or visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk/