How Dental Implants Really Work

Although here at Sheen Dental we’ve been successfully fitting dental implants in Richmond for decades, you might be surprised to learn that the procedure itself actually dates back to the 1950’s when the Swedish orthopaedic surgeon Per Ingvar Branemark accidentally discovered the process known as osseointegration. This eventually lead to the development of the dental implant as we know it today and the very first surgical implant procedure in 1965.

dental implants in RichmondAlthough dental implants have become far more sophisticated since those early pioneering years, the process that leads to natural looking, long lasting permanent teeth hasn’t changed. So what makes dental implants a ‘cut above the rest’ and more importantly, how exactly do they work? Let’s take a look…

When Branemark discovered osseointegration he was using titanium. That’s the very same lightweight material we often associate with formula 1 racing cars and the Space Shuttle. Titanium has some pretty amazing properties. Aside from the fact that it’s incredibly durable, yet extremely lightweight, it’s also know to be non-allergenic. For this reason it’s used extensively in other surgical procedures such as hip replacements. However probably the most amazing fact about titanium is that natural bone is attracted to it. So much so in fact that when a small titanium post is secured down into the jaw bone, natural bone will merge and fuse with it creating a super-strong structure. It’s upon this structure that a crown, bridge or denture can be attached.

So why are dental implants better than dentures?

When you opt for a dental implant in Richmond over standard dentures you’re actually getting a natural looking tooth or set of teeth that are permanent. Because they’re anchored firmly into the jaw, they don’t rely on fixatives to hold them in place. This means that there’s no chance of them falling out causing acute embarrassment to the wearer. In addition unlike standard dentures which need to be replaced every 5-10 years, dental implants have been proven to last forty years or more. Finally dental implants are the only form of tooth replacement known to halt the bone absorption process that occurs when teeth are missing, thus giving the person a fuller looking face and younger looks.

All that said, dental implants aren’t a quick fix solution and because of the healing process which needs to occur in between stages, the entire procedure can take up to 9 months to complete. 99% of implant wearers however state that the end result is well worth it.

If you would like to find out more about how dental implants in Richmond work, then contact Sheen Dental on 020 8876 5277. Alternatively you can visit our website at where you can find a whole host of further information on the subject.