Interesting Facts Behind How A Dental Implant Works

If you’re considering undergoing treatment for a dental implant in Richmond per se, then chances are that you’ve already weighed up the pros and cons, thought long and hard about the process and after being presented with the facts, decided to take the plunge. With this in mind, you probably already know that the dental implant is the most natural looking form of tooth replacement and one that can last many years. However what you may not know is the science behind how an implant works.

It’s all about the titanium implant.

dental implants in RichmondFirstly a dental implant is actually made up of three component parts. There’s the implant part itself (otherwise known as a titanium rod or screw), then there’s the abutment, and finally, you have the noticeable part, the dental crown. The clever part of the process where the magic really happens lies with the titanium rod or screw.

So why titanium?

Firstly titanium is hugely expensive! After all, it’s the same stuff that they use on formula 1 racing cars and space rockets. However, pound for pound it has the strength of stainless steel, but is far more lightweight. In fact, if you held a dental implant in your hand, it would feel as light as a small piece of plastic. But that’s not the only reason why titanium is used in dental implants. It’s also non-corrosive and non-allergenic. This means it’s completely safe to place into the body as it won’t decay. This is why it’s often used in hip replacement surgery. However the most amazing fact about titanium and why it’s used specifically in dental implants is that natural bone tissue loves it! So much so in fact that when the implant is secured into the jaw bone, the surrounding natural tissue merges and fuses with it to create a super-strong, free-standing structure that can support a denture, bridge, or crown.

Healing time

Whether you undergo a dental implant in Richmond, or anywhere else in the country you’ll be aware that it isn’t a quick-fix solution. Instead for implants to fully work they need healing time. Or rather, the time taken for osseointegration (bone fusion) to take place. The issue is that everyone has differing healing abilities and a number of factors such as lifestyle, medical issues and habits such as smoking, drinking, and diet all play a part in how quickly your body’s natural bone tissue regenerates. For example, a relatively healthy person who has no medical conditions and doesn’t smoke can expect on average a healing period of around 2-3 months. Whereas someone who isn’t particularly healthy might expect their healing time to be considerably longer. In some cases heavy smokers or those with uncontrollable diabetes might not be able to regenerate bone tissue at all and this is why it’s usually too much of a risk for dental implants to be placed in these people. Instead good oral health and a relatively healthy lifestyle is the perfect combination to have the best chance of implant success.

As you can see, the science behind dental implants is just as interesting as the implants themselves, so if you want to find out whether you’re a good candidate for dental implants in Richmond, then contact Sheen Dental on 020 8876 5277. Alternatively you can check out our blog page at where you’ll find a wealth of information to help you.