4 Great Benefits for Dental Implant Wearers

If you’re uncertain as to whether undergoing surgery for dental implants in Richmond is going to be the answer to all of your dental problems, then this article might just help you to make an informed decision. Despite the fact that dental implants don’t come cheap and they require a series of surgical procedures to fit, they are quickly becoming more and more popular. Why? Because of the benefits they have over other forms of teeth replacement. Let’s take a closer look…

They’re natural and lifelike

dental implants in RichmondUnlike standard dentures, a dental implant is a stand-alone structure secured directly into the jaw bone, As a result it’s incredibly natural looking. What’s more they have many of the characteristics of a natural tooth making it lifelike and virtually indistinguishable from a real tooth.

They’re hassle-free

Even though the entire implant procedure can take up to 9 months to complete, once fitted they’re virtually hassle-free. Aside from regular cleaning and flossing as you would your natural teeth, they don’t require any fixatives to hold them in place, they don’t need to be removed at night, and there’s no chance of them slipping or falling out causing great embarrassment to the wearer.

They’re a permanent solution

From a cosmetic point of view, dental implants are the only form of teeth replacement that can stop bone loss or shrinkage This is a natural process that occurs when teeth are missing. Bone shrinkage over time can alter the facial appearance causing cheeks to appear sunken. This is also the reason why dentures have to be continually adjusted and eventually changed as your facial shape alters. Because implants promote natural bone regrowth, it halts bone shrinkage altogether. This means that for anyone undergoing surgery for a dental implant in Richmond, they can expect an implant (provided it’s well cared for) to last thirty or forty years with no problems.

They can help with your overall health.

The sad truth is that for many denture wearers, their diet can be very limited simply because they find it almost impossible, and in some cases painful, to chew on some of the different foods that many non-denture wearers can. On the other hand a person fitted with dental implants won’t have this problem. Instead they can crunch down on a crisp green apple or get to grips with a piece of lean meat with relative ease, so altogether they have a greater access to foods that can bring about an all round healthier diet and therefore an overall healthier person.

If you’d like to find out more about how a dental implant in Richmond can help you then contact Sheen Dental and book a free consultation today on 020 8876 5277 or alternatively visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk where you can find a whole host of information to help.